Packaging Design

Packaging design is a collection of practical technology, marketing, aesthetics as one of the design art science. It not only makes the products have both safe and beautiful coat, in today's more is a powerful marketing tool.

The concept of packaging design

Literally speaking, the word "packaging" is a parallel structure, "package" that is, wrapped, "loaded" that is, decorated, meaning that the The meaning is to wrap and decorate the object. From the design point of view, "package" is to use certain materials to wrap things up, the fundamental purpose is to make things not easy to damage, easy to transport, which is the scope of practical science, belongs to the concept of material; "loaded" refers to the things of the decorative embellishments. This refers to the parcel of things with different techniques for beautification and decoration, so that the package looks more beautiful in appearance, which is the scope of aesthetics, belongs to the concept of culture. Simply speaking "packaging" is the two concepts reasonably and effectively into one.

Functionality in packaging design is always the first place, no matter how the design should be given the principle of simplicity, ergonomic structure, constitute a product safety, user-friendly packaging.

Sometimes designers will be obsessed with the pursuit of novel materials and novelty modeling, thus forgetting the basic requirements of packaging, safety, reliability and convenience, which is a taboo in the design. In the chemical industry, medical machinery, electronic technology and other products packaging, this is particularly important.

Connotation of packaging design

Packaging design to meet the basic requirements of the product, we should give more consideration to the design of the connotation of the part. If the concept of packaging design is the human body without dress art wrapping and modification, and the manifestation of packaging design is the person's clothes and attire, then the connotation of packaging design is the person's spiritual and cultural ideas. A person's attire can reflect his thinking and cultivation level, packaging design can also reflect the different connotations of the product, brand, enterprise and so on. Well this depends on the individual My personal opinion is to clarify the direction of the product, that is, positioning This is very critical and important Good packaging is like good clothes, there is a suitable and unsuitable Some people go to spend a lot of money to buy some clothes, but the sad thing is to wear a little bit poorly This is not related to the price of the main suitability of the packaging for the product is a good package To say that there are any characteristics of the product, that is, the new trend, novelty, highlighting the unique product, and so on, the product is a good package. If you want a package that is not suitable for the product, then I'm sorry, but your package is not a good one, and there's no point in talking about features or lack of features.