HL7 Health Level 7 (HL7) is a standardized health information transfer protocol for the electronic transfer of information between different applications in the healthcare field.HL7 brings together the standard formats used by different vendors to design the interfaces between applications, and will allow healthcare organizations to interact with each other between heterogeneous systems.
The main application area of HL7 is HIS/RIS, which is mainly to standardize the communication between HIS/RIS systems and their equipment. The purpose of HL7 is to develop and research hospital data and information transfer protocols and standards, to standardize the format of clinical medical and management information, to reduce the cost of interconnecting hospital information systems, and to improve the degree of data and information **** enjoyment between hospital information systems.
Expanded Information:
HL7 (Health?Level?Severn,) is a not-for-profit international organization engaged in the development of standards for clinical and administrative electronic data interchange in health care settings.
HL7 organization reference to the International Standards Organization ISO (International Standards Organization), using the open system interconnection OSI? (Open? System? Interconnection) communication model, HL7 will be the highest layer, that is, the application layer.
Baidu Encyclopedia - HL7