Trademark Classification 31 Class Schedule

The following is the breakdown of Class 31 of the Trademark Classification:

Class No. Goods/Services

3101 Fertilizers

3102 Chemical preparations for use in agriculture, horticulture, forestry

3103 Pesticides, fungicides for the eradication of vermin, grasses, fungi

3104 Nutritional supplements, feeds

3105 Pharmaceuticals for veterinary use

3106 Lacquers and dyes

3107 Oils and fuels for non-edible industrial use

3108 Cosmetics, fragrances, detergents, hairdressing supplies

3109 Lighting, heating, drying, and refrigeration equipment

3111 Medical equipment, prostheses, artificial limbs, prosthetic teeth, hearing aids

3111 Furniture, mops, brushes, and other household goods

3112 Gums and adhesives of all kinds, sealants

3113 Unprocessed or semi-processed natural and man-made materials

3114 Bags and trunks for travel

3115 Cleaning equipment for household and commercial use

3116 Textiles, bed linens, pillows

3117 Ropes, mats, nets, baskets, decorative belts, etc.

3118 Essentials, for human and animal drinking, and water treatment

3119 Industrial and household paper, paper towels, tissue paper, toilet paper, tablecloth paper

3120 Printed publications, books, magazines, paper, greeting cards, packaging materials