Ten thousand roentgens of nuclear radiation means that in general people will die if they stay for 3 minutes!
The roentgen here is a unit of irradiation produced by radioactive material, which may be unfamiliar to many friends, but it should be clear from watching the TV series Chernobyl that when a nuclear power plant leaks, it releases extremely alarming values of roentgens, which are extremely harmful to the human body!
November 8, 1895, the German physicist Wilhelm Conrad R?ntgen discovered X-rays, which are electromagnetic radiation with a short wavelength and a high penetrating power that penetrates many opaque substances such as inked paper and wood.
X-rays can cause visible fluorescence in many solid materials, as well as sensitize photographic negatives, which paved the way for pioneering medical imaging technology. Today, in honor of R?ntgen's achievements, X-rays are known as R?ntgen rays in many countries.
The roentgen meter peaks at 3.6 roentgens, which can be harmful if exceeded, and 15,000 roentgens, which means that just two minutes in this area can kill a person.
So 10,000 roentgens is a person probably stay on 3 minutes will immediately die, even if stay a little bit will be affected by serious radiation, the body will be irreversible damage!