What does repurchase rate mean? How to calculate the repurchase rate?

Repurchase rate is short for "repeat purchase rate", which is a rate calculated based on the number of times a consumer repeats a purchase of a product or service. Repurchase rate can reflect the loyalty of consumers to the product or service, the higher the rate, the higher the loyalty, and vice versa, the lower the rate. There are 2 ways to calculate the repurchase rate, one is to use the number of repeat customers/number of customer samples, and the other is to use the number of repeat customer transactions/number of customer samples.

It refers to the number of times a consumer repeats the purchase of the brand's products or services. The more repeat purchases, the higher the consumer's loyalty to the brand, and vice versa, the lower it is.

There are two ways to calculate the repeat purchase rate: one is the number of times all customers who have purchased the product, with each person as an independent unit to repeat the purchase of the product, for example, there are 10 customers purchased the product, 5 produced a repeat purchase, then the repeat purchase rate of 50%.

There are two ways to calculate the repeat purchase rate:

One is the number of times all customers who have purchased the product, with each person as an independent unit to repeat the purchase of the product, for example, there are 10 customers who purchased the product, 5 produced repeat purchases, the repeat purchase rate is 50%;

The second, by transaction, that is, the number of repeat purchases of the transaction with the total number of transactions of the ratio of the number of transactions, such as in a certain month. A **** generated 100 transactions, of which 20 people have a second purchase, 10 of these 20 people and three purchases, the number of repeat purchases of 30 times, repeat purchase rate of 30%. The first algorithm is recommended for businesses.

Excellent performance comes from the team, and the key to excellent enterprise is to be managed. How to scientifically analyze the enterprise's repurchase data, find the key points of management and put energy into it is the core of improving the repurchase rate. In membership direct marketing, everything can be found through the data.

Straight with the re-found:When a customer in a certain period of time to produce a second purchase, the next three, four purchases will occur naturally, as long as the beginning of a good start, in fact, the re-purchase staff do not need a lot of energy.

So, the straight and compound to improve the customer's second purchase rate, as a guarantee of repurchase of the most valuable indicators, the development of the corresponding distribution and management policies, coupled with the corresponding marketing means of protection, the repurchase rate has a practicable guarantee. As the leading direct marketing company in China, we have provided many companies with services to improve the repurchase rate.