1, outdoor water supply network directly. If the outdoor water supply network to ensure that the most unfavorable point of health appliances and water equipment for continuous work of water pressure and water, can be used directly as a source of water for indoor life or production water supply system.
2, high water tank water supply. If the water pressure in the outdoor water supply network is periodically insufficient, can be used in this way.
3, by the pressurized water pump and high water tank water supply. If the outdoor water supply network water pressure is often insufficient and the amount of water is very uneven, must be pressurized with a pump, and regulated by the water tank storage. In order to prevent the water pump directly from the outdoor pipe network, affecting the normal water supply of neighboring buildings, generally require a suction tank.
4, with pneumatic tank water supply. If the outdoor water supply network in the water pressure is often insufficient and indoor water tanks can not be set up, can be used in this way. This water supply with a pump from the suction tank suction water into a closed tank filled with compressed air, relying on the pressure of compressed air, water supply to the water points.
5, continuous operation of the pump water supply. Some modern high-rise buildings, more suction pool water storage; with automated devices to control the pump and maintain water pressure in the pipe.
6, frequency control water supply, pump head with the flow rate increases, pipe head loss with the flow rate decreases and decreases. When the water consumption decreases, the pump head is not fully utilized under constant speed conditions, for energy saving, can be used in this way.
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