Evil Genius 2 Beginner Detailed Raiders Role Introduction + Technology System + Architecture Raiders

Evil Genius 2 tech additions are the key to strengthening defense facilities in the game, what are the powerful tech worth prioritizing research? What are the characteristics of the initial four characters? Below to share with you an evil genius 2 novice beginner detailed strategy

Evil genius 2 novice beginner detailed strategy

First of all, the first four geniuses.

The author passes the Maximilian, after passing, basically also know the use of several other heroes.

Maximilian: The purple dwarf golden gunner, let's call him dirt. I use up is actually biased towards the late protagonist, because in the high difficulty for players under the greatest pressure is the enemy rushed home constantly consume your soldiers, in the final meeting under the war you will soon be left with only a few handyman scientists to let the agents randomly mess shark, once the training is not in time to be sharked through. Therefore, the instant training of the earth's gold is actually still very practical, can help you quickly replenish soldiers. And the early days then the pressure is not strong fool around a little bit to pass also do not need to be so fast.

Crazy Ivan: Is that what it's called ...... Never mind just call it that. Big Ivan's personal skills are the most fw, resisting bazooka blasts to cause confusion, personal combat power and minion combat power enhancement. It's not much use at high difficulty, because at high difficulty the enemy super agents with their minions can kill your genius with two punches, and that chaos is really an epic nerf. The burning chaos messes up your own minions first, and once your minions are on fire, they stop attacking and run around in fear, but many enemies are immune to the burning chaos, such as the Wrecking Crew. The sabotage maniac himself will also throw bombs, point of your old home a sea of fire.

The passive is not bad at all, but you can't fight with him on high difficulties.

But I still like this genius the most because we sovs want to punish the world.

Emma: nicknamed Hilary, the old lady sitting on the mechanical spider, late stage strong, I mean very strong, invincible good kind of, this has to do with my recommended playstyle again wait a little bit when introducing the casino playstyle will say more. In short, it's a bit like the kind of cool article heroine: I president lost the election, immediately blackened to destroy the world

Zarika: black sister, skills are quite good, fire extinguishing and immediately repair. The passive looks quite strong to add research speed. But I just want to say that this is actually a pre-genius on high difficulty. If your base let someone point the fire can only show that your architecture is not good, architecture is good after the fire is really wooden what big use. And high difficulty sabotage maniac bombs are ruthless at lighting fires.

And the passive research speed is just as strong as it looks. Because this game technology lock is linked to the main line, you push the main line fast to give you unlock technology layer fast. The time to push the main line is really quite a long time, I have been a speed pass monster, but also often throughout the current stage of the technology are well researched, but not yet pushed to unlock the next layer of technology of the main line. The technology research is also fast in the early speed to get one or two key technology pipe point, later really is not much use.

Technology system:

This technology is divided into four kinds of + mainline research.

But the pressure of scientific research is mainly concentrated in the early stage to take a few good use through the early stage, the other technology is just the icing on the cake, a little bit of late R & D a little bit of early R & D do not matter. So you don't need to be too strict with your tech tree planning. The more important point is still to push the main quest time is too long, each stage has enough time for you to develop all the technology is finished.

The author will directly pick out the important technology and recommend you to prioritize research.

First is the global action, I'll be blunt, only unlock the signal station two techs to have to take, other than the other belong to the icing on the cake.

Next is the Lair, see picture:

The Lair has a lot of powerful techs, but they are mainly concentrated in the following three rows. They are Advanced Post, Generator, and Excavation.

The advanced post should be taken at speed in the early stage, and the generator should be developed immediately once the advanced is unlocked, in order to take the highest motor as soon as possible. Because the motor power generation in this work is really too anxious, you slightly more cover a little bit of blackout which is even the late big motor is also very garbage. You have to keep building motors and build a lot of them. The later stages are afraid of power outages, and when they happen, the consequences are unimaginable.

The most important technology in the late stage is not the gold cabinet, but the warehouse, see picture:

You can let your repairman do not have to go out of the base to get the tools, you can not feel it in the early stage, but the late stage is really delayed, hurry up and build the warehouse. And it's also closely related to the power play I'm going to talk about later. Simply put, a lair with a warehouse is a good lair.

The next step is the mini-tech, see picture:

The mini-tech is also very powerful. They are: security protocols, brainwashers, and weapons.

The most important of these is the Security Protocol in the bottom row. With this you will be able to set aside a whole area _ automatic response, no longer need to point one by one. Security protocols are more important than advanced sentries because without them if you don't manually tag an agent, your sentries won't stop him, they're just there. It's a quick take up front.

However, after the first layer of security protocols are researched and dispersed, the next two layers: incarceration and kill, are essentially useless technology, and only researched in the later stages when you are too busy to do anything about it. The reason is very simple, because the agent in the state of repulsion only two kinds of reaction, a kind of obedient repulsion, a kind of direct into the fight. And once the local agent into the battle your pawns will also default to kill him, that is to say, drive away security itself comes with a kill security. Only if you manually mark the hold when you want to hold it will you be able to do it.

There's also weapons and brainwashers. The brainwasher is also important to get your hands on or else your men will mutiny, and there is only one brainwasher in the first release so take it and live with it. The first phase of the brainwashing machine do not build more because the brainwashing machine is very expensive, the later part of the must build a large number of because your men are really very stupid. It's easy to give up the ghost ......

Weapons, we recommend the development of hit and kill weapons, do not need to develop electric shock weapons. Remember your security protocols? The first tier of dispersal security protocols comes with a strike protocol, and it's more efficient to research strike weapons. But the main reason is: broken cells and take up space and electricity and even three-year-old children can run out from the inside, interrogation and brainwashing but also hand point, the return is also a soldier or a few intelligence. It would be better to kill them directly.

After all, my security protocols are so civilized that I ask you to leave. You pull out a gun and fuck me, then I still with you polite what.

Okay, that's enough tech talk. There's one more trap tech, but I'll just say this: traps don't work.

Traps in this game are very weak, and even if they're not on high difficulty, they don't do much damage. Traps attack agents only once and only lose a sliver of blood, but traps hit your minions with a sliver of blood. Not to mention, on high difficulty, the agents are masters of trap cracking, pulling out their machines and making a mess of it, and the traps in your entire corridor are shorted out and leaking electricity. So the conclusion is brutal: traps really aren't much use.

Might as well have a few more cameras.

We move on to minion training.

First, power types:

The guideline is simple: more Slayers, fewer Martial Artists, and a minimum of Basic types. My configuration is usually 40 killers, 30 martial artists, two basic types add up to 40.

The reason why the killers should be more is that this game is collision volume, which means that there won't be too many people around to beat up a person. And this work agent is very strong, ordinary agents to fight ten is not a problem, a group of sticks with a group of people surrounded is a group of people dazed, only a few people were hit. The real effective output is still equipped with sub-machine gun killers shooting in unison.

So the stick racks should also be placed sparingly, and it's best to have the stick racks right next to the martial artist training room, so that other soldiers can't reach the stick racks in their normal state, and only the martial artists can pass by to pick up their sticks when they're done with their training, while all the other skirmishers are equipped with sub-machine guns, so that even the lowest level red soldiers can have a fighting chance.

The other two basic types of minion_number can not be too small, because high-level soldiers need low-level soldiers to advance, low-level soldiers is an important high-level soldiers blood source, a certain number of low-level soldiers can ensure that once the high-level soldiers have consumed immediately a group of people rushed into the training room. So don't adjust the number of low-level soldiers too low.

Scientific research type:

Not much to say, the only thing to pay attention to is the number of mechanics: pre single-digit, late 20+. Because later houses are too big to really repair, but how about 20+ mechanics is enough or even a bit idle.

Other advanced scientists can unlock advanced scientific research equipment, with advanced scientific research equipment in order to study advanced technology. But as I said this follows the main quest so you don't have to worry about it. By the way, don't dismantle the low level tech stations because a lot of the main research in the main quests requires low level research stations, so the low level stations are also useful, and the low level scientists are also useful.

And the most important task of high-level scientists is actually not research, but intelligence. Because all the resources in this game are consumed very quickly, especially intelligence. Many of the later missions require 30 intel, but your intel is capped at 99 capacity. So this intelligence thing is really annoying. In the later stages of research, after nothing to do, senior scientists can specialize in the senior intelligence platform to search for intelligence. If you don't have anything to do, remember to build a few advanced intelligence platforms for biologists to search for information.

Additionally, senior scientists are also a fast-consuming type of labor, because the big map of the money digging mission in the late stage is full of scientists. So it is recommended to build a few more training rooms for advanced scientists to ensure that three scientists can be trained at any time for quick replenishment.

Note, the power of the minions late high-pressure wave consumption is very fast, especially the final battle two large groups of agents and all the super agents together rushed home, so the number of minions must always pay attention to the late genius moment training room standby less. Of course, if you learn the author's architecture, then you can easily a lot. This will be discussed later.

A lot of people who play on low to medium difficulty may rely on red minions and think that training a bunch of minions is a good idea, but it's not. In the high difficulty, your soldiers are very good, the enemy is very meat, sub-machine gun fire for ten seconds do not bring death. If you only rely on soldiers, you can't defend your home at all. Because of the high difficulty agent's offense and defense is greatly increased.

So on high difficulty, the importance of soldiers is down, and the role of purple minions _is_ up. In this game, agents technically have two types of blood bars, a life value and a determination value. Once the determination value is empty, the agent hits the road. And a large number of celebrities can chat up all those agents and send all sorts of random people back to their homes. As long as you have a large enough number of celebrities, you can enjoy peace at high difficulty. And with advanced Deception Purple minions will also unlock two of the most important casino facilities, which are slot machines and sports machines, because these two gambling machines are fully automated do not need minions to stand.

With these two types of machines your casino can really play the role of a casino, without these two types of machines your casino is just a decoration. With automated gambling machines you can also drastically cut down on the number of servants allowing more people to train as celebrities.

Then you can just chat the agents home on the strength of a large group of celebrities. This is why I said Emma is strong strong strong invincible. Because on high difficulty you have to use a lot of celebrities to chat, Hillary comes with a passive that gives a bonus to chatting that allows you to chat up the opposite side of the room faster, it really is a case of playing on high difficulty as low difficulty and waiting for a direct victory without fighting.

The end of the minion chapter, the next is architecture.


Opening the door, this work of architecture does not strictly speaking exist, the existence of the casino science. That's right, the only thing you need to learn to build is the casino.

The only thing you need to learn to build is the casino.

Because the different parcels of land don't interact with each other and don't need to be walled off, you don't really need to be that sophisticated in your base construction. It just needs to have some concept of movement. For example, although you can let your pawns walk across a flat area without walls, it's best to have a main road with walls for surveillance and fire extinguishers, which is important. Or rather this is the most important use of the passageway, because only on the walls of the passageway can you install surveillance fire extinguishers and traps. So it is still important to plan an unobstructed moving line.

And what you don't have to worry about is that there are three main factors that affect minions: food, intelligence, and health. But once they're not satisfied, minions will rebel. However, what really triggers the minion mutiny mechanism is not how much time he waits but whether you have or don't have the corresponding facilities. In other words, you can have a tired minion walk halfway to the second floor to watch TV, and not have a single TV on the first floor, and it won't cause him to defect.

The real reason for him to defect is: you don't have enough TVs! Once a pawn triggers a demand he will find his own rest, but once you don't have enough facilities full then he will mutiny. That's why it's important to plan your movements wisely and build more facilities. Especially brainwashers and televisions. Later, these two things are best to plan a special area is full of this thing to how many people are enough. Then your minions _ will not have any complaints.

But beware of the medical machine, which is needed when minions are attacked and bleed out. This device is the exception to the rule because your minions are all dead on hit and don't need medicals at all. And medics are expensive. So even late game you will only need single digit medbay. There will only be two or three bloodied ones in a fight, the rest are lying around.

Next there's the weapons room to be built on the access road in and out of the casino which is also a no-brainer, and I'll emphasize it again, plan a small weapons cache next to the martial artist training room specifically to house the stick racks so the martial artists can get their sticks along the way and the other pawns don't have access to them. Keep only submachine guns in the guarded weapons room. More importantly, try to keep the other skirmishers training away from the martial artist training room, as the skirmishers will take their weapons close by. If it's too close the skirmishers will still walk to the martial artist training room to get their sticks.

Or you hide the stick in the most nook and cranny where you enter the weapons room. Make it so that only the martial artist who has the stick locked will go in and get it, and the other minions will have a line of assault rifles waiting for him as soon as he enters.

Another important point: plan a weapons room across the street from the vault with a guard table in it. Because there's a super-agent that's the most annoying, called the Queen of Balance, who will teleport into your vault to steal money and then sneak out. But the truth is that it's equal to the fact that she'll be sharking around the inside of your base with a bunch of minions, and is the most annoying super agent in my opinion. And she'll leave a road sign like thing in your vault that takes up space and makes it easy for her to teleport next time, and it can only be destroyed manually ......

So the vault must be planned adjacent to the aisle, with a laser door that doesn't block the line of sight at the entrance, and across the way is the guard room, with a camera at the door looking specifically into the inside of the vault. As soon as something happens immediately have the slugger rush in.

Architecture casino chapter:

Friends who have read the minion chapter should know that the high difficulty does not take advantage of the pass, fraudulent type is the key, so the casino is very important. As long as the casino is well planned, plus the celebrities are like a cloud, you will be able to take it easy in high difficulty. The casino is very trashy in the early stages, making money with only mosquito legs, and the tables require servants to operate before you can set up more than a waste of money. Genuinely is a useless space. However, the casino is the most important mechanic in the later stages, as it provides space for fraudulent minions to work. After unlocking the automated tables you have to expand the casino space constantly. The size of this space depends on when you can get agents to: come from where they came from and go back to where they came from. In a civilized way to complete our evil journey (evil laugh) the following is an extreme point of the example: this is the example I used to explain to you, do not copy, because this is the pass file, did not get so detailed is that I used to summarize the problem, a lot of things did not get such as the vault opposite did not plan the weapons room)

We look at this casino planning, although I pulled the camera to the furthest but also did not take a full picture of the casino, in fact this casino is circular and completely wraps around my base. Agents entering from the tarmac need to go around the base in a full circle and finally reach the entrance which is separated from the starting point by a wall, so you can zoom in if you can't see it. During this time my minions _constantly_ approached him to chat about the slots all over the place, and no agent did not go home. In fact, after my repeated observations, there is no agent who can walk a full semicircle

This planning is strictly unnecessary for everyone to learn. Because you only need to plan a semicircle. An overly huge casino space will also dilute your celebrity density, which is actually not conducive to chat explosions. So we have to plan a casino large enough within reason at the same time the number of celebrities is dense enough so that the agents can not walk three or two steps to chat, walk one step to chat. Instead of walking half a day before encountering a celebrity. The casino is planned to be big enough, with enough space and enough slot machines. But not too many, because it's not the casino that really makes a difference, it's the celebrities. The casino is just a space for the celebrities to work. The gambling machines in the casino could only reduce the skill of the agents, and skill was the most useless attribute, skill could easily be reduced to nothing, but the agents would still visit the lair.

Lastly, I would like to talk about the heart

I don't want to list all of them, because I didn't play all of them, and you can recruit five of them in one game, and I think the columns should be like this, but I'm in the process of pushing the main line until the end of the process, and it's only four of them for me.

And I've noticed that when the main game gets to a point where it locks out all the side quests for the final battle, the loot quests are gone and all the side quests are zeroed out. It's not clear if the battles are set up to lock quests, or if loot acquisition itself is capped. (It would be annoying if there was an upper limit. Doesn't the production team let players collect all the loot?)

Back to the heart, the good ones I've summarized so far are the Jubei and the fast-talking Ley, and why I say these two are good. Jubei can instantly support the battlefield plus lightning rod, fight support both, once the need to quickly put out the fire, everyone else can only use two legs to walk over. Although the heart of this work moves quite fast, but the ten guards with instantaneous transfer is still the easiest for players to deploy resources. But be careful, Ten Soldiers in the high difficulty as brittle, the best agent by the minions wrapped around his output, if you let Ten Soldiers hard to resist if a few times he fell.

The fast-talking Ley itself as a red beloved fighting ability online, while also acting as a purple beloved with, it can also go to the casino to chat, at the same time comes with a chatting explosion skills, there is a need to go up to chatting explosion of an agent directly with the skills of the genius Hilary Ley can be wildly chatting. Seriously, on high difficulty, the heart of the belly fight is also not enough, in the end, it depends on whether there are additional abilities. Like Ley such as both red and purple heart of the characteristics of the million oil character really how to use.

The more difficult to use is a diver girl, recruited in Australia, green heart, skills one is to reduce the determination of the chat explosion skills, the other is to make the agent weapon malfunction. Looks very powerful actually use very difficult to use. Not to mention that both skills are directional to the hand point, and she herself is very brittle, ordinary agents two punches she can not carry, her skills and need her to go to the melee position so with the awkward.

Introduction of two individuals think good use of the heart: one, Furukawa Kawatun, fraudulent heart, two skills (use will not trigger the fight) to a single target to send poisoned food (can be used in the fight on the agent, the two sides in the whole process before the end of the can not be moved and can be hit, Eli's mouth cannon also has a similar effect) two skills to throw the dolphin, the explosion issued by the poisonous smoke, a wide range of strong control and has been to create injuries (there are friendly injuries, by attacking the control failure).

Furukawa's own body is not good, but will not trigger the battle of the two skills in the actual combat have a good performance, non-combat use can be avoided to deal with the loss of certain enemies (such as the super special) the second skill of the poisonous smoke of the heart of the enemy and the genius is not effective (effective on their own home pawns), the poisonous smoke continues to enter the range of the enemy will be coughing in which they can not move, and poisoned blood

The agent is generally not a good choice for the battle of the enemy, but the enemy will be able to avoid the loss of the enemy's life. /p>

The agents are generally not too dispersed, Furukawa threw a gas bomb to the front of the agents, the back will head into the poisonous smoke, gathered into a pile (at this time you can cooperate with Ivan's bazooka to reap the harvest) geniuses and other heart of a group of agents wrapped up in the time you can directly throw the puffer fish gas bomb, this thing is on the geniuses and the heart of no damage. This skill is the most riotous point is that it does not trigger the fight, the agents will not think they are being attacked

Furukawa also has a good point is that the recruitment of unlocked two special programs: a restaurant: spend 5 minutes 45 heat 5 intelligence a bunch of henchmen 120,000 into the account, and the other poisoned the witnesses, 30 seconds of non-consumption -75 heat (there is no consumption of any consumption, point immediately), both will be randomly swiped on the map! (In fact, the second one is the focus)

Another good use of the heart is Jazz, a hunter sniper, a shot of damage about one hundred, two, three shots a super special (even if they are melee, will only fire with a sniper rifle, the damage remains unchanged, regardless of whether there is no one to help him attract fire, his damage is very high) skills are camouflage and traps, purely long-range violent output, nothing agents can live in the mouth of the gun Too long, the skills are also quite simple and rough, camouflage is invisible, the agent will not see him, this state consumes a little morale per second, and break the hidden when a hit has additional damage. Trap is to place a trap (step on the departure), at the same time can only exist one, equivalent to a control skill

Peacefully playing output, not win or dying, open stealth run, pull the distance back to the head is a gun, feel is the game's best long-distance output, was melee will not be cut fists or gun top of the other people's brains to open fire. The only problem is that recruiting him is a bit costly

Jazz as an enemy from start to finish he comes alone, it's a hunt, and his purpose is the head of the Evil Genius (the Genius really can't resist a few shots on high difficulty) teleported directly into a random corner of the home, very high damage, will camouflage, won't cause alarms, and can often kill in the home

I don't know, do I? Has anyone in there ever been groped by Jazz for an evil genius and had the genius killed in a couple shots to just close the file? But I think there will definitely be players like that in the future, where somehow the genius dies. This thing is really easy to kill at first sight

The first time I played it I was wondering what place he would land in, but he was already at my house killing people, I knew he was at my house when he got the news that someone under me had betrayed him, and when I turned around to look at it, the lounge was a mass of body bags, and someone disguised as a bonsai plant was taking a sniper's rifle, and hunting one shot at a time

False Superteens: balance Queen, stealing will be detected by the AI and inform the player that your gold pallet has been stolen. Real Supert: Sir, if the system hadn't alerted me that someone had gone rogue (morale zeroed out) and allowed me to catch it in time, I don't know how many people he could have killed me