"ISO9000" in the company's internal audit of the various departments need to prepare what materials?

ISO9000" in the company's internal audit of the various departments need to be roughly the following materials need to be prepared.


1, document control: list of controlled documents, document receipt registration form, foreign document confirmation records, document change request form?

2, record control: records list

3, human resources: staff roster, training programs, training records, personnel job competency assessment records, staff training files

4, process monitoring and measurement: process discipline inspection records

Technical Department:?

1, the management of production equipment: equipment ledger, equipment maintenance plan, equipment maintenance orders, equipment integrity assessment records, equipment daily maintenance checklist, tooling and mold ledger, tooling and mold verification records, tooling and mold acceptance records?

2, the preparation of technical documents, drawing management?

3, special process confirmation

4, product process list

5, with the work order

Production Department?

1. Management of product identification

2. Completion of production tasks

3. Special process (welding process parameter records): welding process monitoring records

4. Product protection?

5, the management of the working environment: site management inspection records

Quality Control Department?

1. Management of status symbols

2. Management of monitoring and measuring devices: monitoring and measuring device list, monitoring and measuring device cycle verification program, monitoring and measuring device history record card, monitoring and measuring device operation inspection records?

3, product inspection: incoming inspection records, process inspection records, factory inspection records (3C products have routine inspection records, confirmation of inspection records), the key components of the periodic confirmation of inspection records (for the need for 3C certification of electrical components can be online to confirm the validity of the 3C certificate

4, nonconforming goods control: nonconforming goods report?

Sales Department?

1, customer-related process control: product requirements review form, contract modification transfer form, order confirmation form, contract ledger (7.2)?

2. Customer Satisfaction: Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire, Customer Satisfaction Telephone Questionnaire, Customer Complaint (Feedback) Handling Sheet, User's File 3. Shipment List?

Purchasing Department?

1. Purchasing: Supplier questionnaire, supplier evaluation record, qualified supplier list, supplier performance statistics, supplier performance evaluation form, purchasing plan, temporary purchasing plan form?


1, the completion of the production plan, the daily maintenance of equipment, the control of the working environment, the management of signs, product protection?


1, product identification cards, warehouse accounts, warehousing orders?

2. Ensure that the account, card and goods are consistent?


1, the preparation of the quality manual (organization, leadership)

2, internal audit: internal audit plan, internal audit implementation plan, internal audit inspection records, non-conformity report, internal audit reports, non-conformity distribution table

3, the completion of the quality objectives: the completion of the quality objectives of the assessment records

4, management review: to assist the general manager in organizing the management review

Product requirements review Signing the contract Registering the contract Issuing the production plan?

Production plan, production process list, material plan, procurement plan, incoming inspection, with work orders, process inspection, factory inspection?

Supplier Survey Supplier Evaluation Qualified Supplier List Annual Supplier Performance Tracking Record Annual Re-evaluation of Supplier Formation of Current Year List