What is the difference between a cobalt 60 machine and a medical linear gas pedal! Why are hospitals using medical linear gas pedals and eliminating cobalt-60 machines?

Cobalt-60 therapy machines and medical linear gas pedals can be used for radiation therapy of tumors in all parts of the body, and medical linear gas pedals are more popular in big city hospitals.

Modern medical linear gas pedals are fully functional, fully digitalized, and can carry out three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy, intensity-modulated conformal radiotherapy, and X-knife (also known as photon knife) therapy. It usually contains two or more grades of high-energy X-rays and multiple grades of electron rays, which facilitates clinicians to choose the type of rays according to the tumor site.

Compared with cobalt-60, its advantages are better skin protection and high depth dose, but with higher energy, the shot dose increases and the relative bone absorption rises. Therefore, the energy of high-energy X-rays is generally selected from 4 to 10 MV, and the most commonly used energy is 6 MV. Cobalt-60 machines use permanent radioactive sources, cobalt source half-life of about 5 to 10 years need to be replaced once, the nuclear waste disposal is more difficult to maintain engineers and operating technicians inevitably receive nuclear radiation. Linear gas pedals produce high-energy X-rays and electron beams only when they are energized, and there are no gamma rays produced by cobalt-60 machines during use and maintenance. According to the ALARA principle of radiotherapy protection (as low as reasonably achievable), gamma rays will give way to X-rays, i.e. linear gas pedals will gradually replace cobalt-60 treatment machines.