How to treat the phenomenon that the black hand of capital extends to farmers?

I think that extending the hand of capital to farmers can quickly promote the development of rural areas in a new direction, realize the new rise of rural areas, revitalize rural areas and develop new rural areas. A lot of capital has taken over many fields in rural areas. Some people only see that farmers have occupied their own fields, but they don't see that a lot of cultivated land in rural areas has been abandoned now. The entry of capital into the countryside can just alleviate the abandonment of cultivated land and make better use of cultivated land. The following is the difference that the capital I sorted out will bring to the countryside:

First, in the agricultural industry, social capital is invested in modern aquaculture, local characteristic industries, and agricultural product processing and circulation industries. Develop large-scale, standardized and branded modern agriculture, build agricultural industrial clusters with advantages and characteristics, build deep processing bases for agricultural products, effectively guarantee the effective supply of important agricultural products such as grain and pigs, and promote the integrated development of rural primary, secondary and tertiary industries. The government encourages social capital to invest in modern agriculture and other fields. Promoting the faster and better development of rural industries can drive * * * to get rich.

Second, in terms of agricultural and rural services, social capital has invested in new rural production and living services, provided socialized services such as agricultural technology extension, agricultural materials supply and production trusteeship, developed life services such as e-commerce, rural leisure tourism and rural garbage and sewage cleaning, actively participated in the construction of digital agriculture and digital countryside, improved various agricultural and rural services, and enhanced the happiness of rural residents. Effectively promote the digital development of rural areas and use the advantages of the Internet to better sell related agricultural and sideline products.

Third, in terms of agricultural and rural infrastructure construction, social capital will be invested in infrastructure, eco-circular agriculture and improvement of rural living environment, high-standard cold chain logistics facilities for storage and preservation of farmland and agricultural products will be promoted, a comprehensive utilization system for collection, storage, transportation and treatment of agricultural wastes will be built, rural renewable energy will be developed, rural toilet revolution will be participated, and the foundation of agricultural and rural modernization will be consolidated. When the infrastructure is built, the happiness of rural people will naturally improve. The rural environment is no longer dirty in the past, but has become newer, cleaner and more pleasant. At the same time, it can better retain young people in rural areas and promote rural development in a better direction.

Fourth, in terms of scientific and technological innovation, social capital is invested in modern seed industry, agricultural scientific and technological innovation, agricultural and rural talent training, rural innovation and entrepreneurship. To enhance the independent innovation ability of modern seed industry, participate in the research of key agricultural technologies, build a talent training base, build a rural dual-innovation park, build a deep integration platform in Industry-University-Research, and cultivate new kinetic energy for agricultural and rural economic development. After the relevant talents in rural areas have been trained, there will be no worries about new ways of rural development. The efficiency of rural planting will gradually improve, which will promote the development of digital countryside, and the output of agricultural products will also increase a lot, driving the sales of agricultural and sideline products. Promote the common prosperity of rural people and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

I think that the entry of capital into rural areas will promote the new development of rural areas to a certain extent. Of course, the opposite view also exists, and there may be a situation in which capital oppresses rural people, which will have a certain social impact. Therefore, I believe that the state will introduce relevant policies to avoid this situation and make the whole approach develop in a more stable and positive direction. I believe that in the near future, there will be more and more new villages and people will achieve prosperity and social harmony.