L=0.5π×(R+K factor×T)×(θ/90).
L: Sheet metal developed length (Developed length).
R: Inner radius of the bend.
T: Thickness of the material.
θ: Bending angle.
Y factor: A constant value determined by the position of the Neurtal bend line, with a default value of 0.5 (the so-called "bend line"). The default value of initial_bend_factor can be set in config.
Plastic sheet metal processing is called sheet metal processing. Sheet metal processing is called sheet metal processing. Specifically, for example, the use of sheet metal to make chimneys, barrels, tanks, oil pots, ventilation ducts, elbows, small and large head, the sky and the round, funnel-shaped, etc., the main process is to shear, bending and buckling, bending, welding, riveting, and so on, requires a certain knowledge of geometry.
Sheet metal parts is sheet metal parts, that is, can be stamping, bending, stretching and other means to process the parts, a general definition is that the thickness of the parts in the process remains unchanged. Corresponding to the casting parts, forging parts, machining parts, such as the outside of the car's iron shell is sheet metal parts, stainless steel to do some of the cabinet is also sheet metal parts.
Modern sheet metal processes include: is filament power winding, laser cutting, heavy-duty machining, metal bonding, metal drawing, plasma cutting, precision welding, roll forming, sheet metal bending molding, die forging, water jet cutting, precision welding and so on.
Baidu Encyclopedia - Sheet metal bending coefficient