Distributed Deployment of Call Center Solution

The customer has several branches, each branch has more than 20 seats and more than 20 outside lines. The group headquarters is required to be able to centralize the statistics of call record reports. The call center system can be integrated with CRM, OA and other management systems.

In all successful business operations, many successful people follow a **** the same goal - to meet customer requirements. Not only some large enterprises have focused on communication with their customer base in order to establish a good relationship with suppliers and customers, from which they can benefit. For some small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), it is also important to establish a customer service center. Because when communication with your customers is important to your business, you need to take every call to and from your customers seriously and keep a detailed record of its content. This will help your staff work better. This is because you can improve the quality of service by reducing the response time to customer requests. You can also cut costs by allocating your resources more efficiently. And you increase your credibility with your customer base.