The whole apparatus to use the strategy
Psychic Examiner
Use the lower right corner of the reels to select the appropriate symbol. Click and hold the center button to charge it, letting go when you reach the highlighted area. Make sure not to release the button in the red area or your patient's pressure will rise.
Releasing the button on the glowing green square will completely eliminate the insanity factor one at a time. Releasing the button on other green sections will only partially eliminate the Insanity Factor one at a time, but you can keep recharging it until the red symbol at the top of the screen is cleared.
Iris Unspiritizer
Match patterns to extract the Insanity Factor from souls. Find the symbols displayed in your eyes by tapping the circular button, and once the three symbols are selected, confirm your sequence with the large orange button. You can try to remember the symbols by giving them names. For example, Bucket, Triangle, Snake, so you can quickly enter them into your device!
Acoustic de-epilepticizer
Click and hold the mouse button and turn the wheel very slowly until the power peaks. If you notice that the patient's voice is intermittent, then this is telling you to slow down! You can even pause briefly and then continue. Don't spin too fast or you'll stress the patient!
The Inner Viewer
Find your patient's mind thoughts by using the slider on the Inner Viewer, including such things as psychophobia, like glue, or no one cares. If the found thought is negative, press the X button to delete it. If the thought is positive, press the heart button to keep it. Keeping the positive thought does not eliminate the insanity factor, so you must continue to search for negative thoughts. PRO TIP: If most of the black grids are showing letters soon, you're close to finding the mind thoughts!
Curious Quantizer
This one is a little difficult! A symbol will be displayed at the bottom of the screen, and it's your job to count the number of corresponding symbols at the top of the screen, but they'll be obscured by the black bar. Press and hold the button with the arrow to move the black bar. As the black bar moves, you will see other symbols. It is recommended to let go every few moments to make it easier to count. Once you feel you have counted clearly, you can press the corresponding number button.
Sonar Sequencer
Listen carefully to the sequence of sounds and then turn the knob to reproduce the sequence. The knobs are turned horizontally for long sounds and vertically for short sounds. To confirm your input, press the large red button at the bottom. Visual cues also appear on either side of your ear each time you play a sound, with long lines for long sounds and short lines for short sounds.
Madness Absorber
Turn the three knobs until the skin under the glass cover wobbles the fastest. Keep in mind that the fastest skin wobble is not always at the highest position. Press the triangle button to confirm your input.
Special Instruments
Personality Detection Reconstructor
Move the cross on the radar until you get a clear signal and a yellow symbol appears on the screen. Then select the corresponding symbol on the panel. Note: There are multiple symbols hidden on the blue screen and not all of them will match the symbol on the right, so watch carefully to find them! The sound the device makes is a good clue that you're getting closer to finding a symbol!
Relay Pulse
When the yellow line is right on the red line, press the button to fire the pulse. If you press it too early or too late, the patient will experience more pressure.
Machine Diffuser
Press the buttons as soon as they appear. A good trick is to keep your cursor in the center so you can react fast enough. Each button press will increase your points, and once all the LEDs are on, it will calm your patient. Keep in mind that this will not only reduce stress, but also depersonalize your patient.
Noh Moxibustion
To turn on the machine, you need to flip the switches in the order that the LEDs are flashing. Once they're all on, you can turn the center wheel, choose how many insanity factors you wish to remove from your patient, and pull down the lever to activate it. Be careful! If you turn it on all the way, you'll stress the patient to the max!
Hypnotic Crystals
Swing the pendulum in a steady rhythm until the swirl in the center fills the screen. This will stop the timer for a while, giving you more time to treat the patient!
The Mental Maze
Use the crank to rotate the maze and guide the patient out of it.
Know the Reaper
Press the triangle button when the fork and red dot overlap (this action is harmless, we promise!). . Once aligned, wait until the blue pattern reaches the bottom and immediately click the square button. The right sidebar will show the harvesting progress.
Play Setting and Background Notes
The job of psychiatric testing is really the job of psychoanalysis.
Only the reality is that the patient's recliner becomes a cold testing machine.
Jacques Lacan's introduction of structuralism and linguistics into the field of psychoanalysis in the 1950s shifted the analysis of the conscious or unconscious away from the symbolic reconstruction of dreams and reality and toward an exploration of the structures that underlie all kinship and social relations through the energy of speech. Such symbols, often metaphorical or metonymic, are often associated with sexuality, for example, the female name Lily and the bed Lit.
The setting is clearly based on the diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of a modern psychoanalytic linguistics. The player relies on instruments to capture snippets of the patient's speech, and then analyzes the words to find the "truth" that may lie behind them. Overall, this analysis is not too difficult, with keyword hints, elimination, and a friendly backtracking mode that allows the player to find the correct answer from three options with relative ease. The sufficiently rich dialog text and patient cases with widely varying personalities also provide a good basis for players to reconstruct the entire worldview.
The inclusion of time and money modes is clearly intended to ramp up the game's difficulty. On the one hand, each step from door-to-door consultation, psychiatric testing to treatment requires a lot of time, in addition to upgrading the therapeutic apparatus also needs to consume time; on the other hand, the game will deduct a certain amount of money every day according to the different difficulty settings, and once the amount is insufficient the game will be judged as a failure. The only way for players to maximize the number of patients they can cure and earn money to continue the game is to rationalize the limited amount of time they have available each day.
The entire process of mental healing is relatively simple; after upgrading the healing apparatus, eliminate as many abnormal mental fragments at once as possible by eliminating them in the form of elimination games. In terms of gameplay design, this game incorporates a series of mini-games with music, graphics, text, and other determining factors on the treatment apparatus, which is fun and not too difficult.
Plot Analysis
Judging from the game's ending and the metaphors for the people who built the city and the people who live outside the city, the main theme of the game seems to talk about an oppressive, stabilizing, and closed totalitarian or authoritarian society. In this society, people are categorized into different classes of citizens based on the amount of resources they possess, and thus enjoy different levels of social benefits and privileges.
At the same time, individuality is not the most valued thing in this society. This is the great difference between "structure" and "subversion" in terms of spiritual treatment. A "structured" society needs people who are mentally normal, that is, people who do not pose a threat or danger to themselves or others, and who do not affect the normal functioning of society. The "subversive" society values the individuality of each person, their talents and unique abilities.
The game seems to deliberately draw a line between individuality and extreme levels of mental abnormality. That is, each patient's mental problems tend to be related to his/her normal personality.
In contrast, the out-of-towners are exiles, beings who are treated like animals. Judging from the plot snippets, they possess characteristics that could be the absence of money, which means the loss of the most basic social status within the city (players who go bankrupt will end up being banished and deported to the outskirts of the city), as well as the lack of recognition of their mental health (those who fail treatment will be sent to the outskirts of the city).
The so-called wall is both a strictly hierarchical social system and a privilege that is monopolized and abused. In order to perpetuate this rule, the "structured" society wants to make every newborn a tamed, enslaved, safe and normal individual.
What the Subversion is trying to do, therefore, is to dismantle and destroy the wall that separates the inside from the outside, in order to save the happiness of the future human beings and to return the power of freedom to them.
The story, while not clichéd, is clearly not tied to the events of the individual patient over the course of the game. The player learns more about the criteria of mental abnormality and normality, the basics of the character and some of his personal experiences as he analyzes and treats the mental world of the patient.
The appearance of the "subversion" and the insertion of the daughter's story therefore seems abrupt. The ending of the forty-one days, despite the many possibilities that exist depending on the player's choices, is designed to be more like two parallel threads that run in tandem.
If the player wanted to, he could even just save up for the first thirty days, do nothing, and skip to the ending.
Gameplay Features and Structure Description
You'll enter the retro-future style "structure" of Psycho Examiner and step into the role of a psychiatrist, diagnosing and treating the citizens of this metropolis and witnessing the city's depressing and chilling nature. Visiting light and strange characters at home, diagnosing and treating them with medical equipment in arcade form. Utilize your time and various resources properly to ensure a stable and orderly structure. Note: You will be held fully responsible for any abnormalities that occur after the patient has been seen and treated.
Use your time and resources to help the citizens of the structure through medical means
Analyze the patient's view of the world to diagnose the patient's condition
Operate various arcade-formatted medical devices to treat the patient, and gradually get the hang of it
Consuming Capper and Science Points will allow you to develop new devices
Faced with a difficult moral choice, you'll have to learn to use your time and resources. Face difficult moral choices and ethical dilemmas
Report on the movements of the resistance group "The Peak", or join them and **** with them
Gain the trust of the structure if you want to see your daughter again
The structure
The sky is falling, and the survivors know what to expect from it. A boulder descended from the sky, and those who survived learned about it and were able to harness the energy source that was Zigonoka. Forty years later, Structural, a megalopolis, rose out of the meteorite's crater, and its people became isolated and dependent on technology, turning society into a machine.
Inside Structural City, order and efficiency are maintained through strict top-down controls. As soon as new devices and instruments are developed, the city puts them into use in the public ****ing sphere, citing increased efficiency. The disorders of the citizens are becoming increasingly serious, and at the same time, a new profession, the sanity tester, has been created in order to achieve continuous optimization.