3M double-sided adhesive use

3M adhesive use:

Be sure to wipe the surface of the sticker clean before use to avoid dust or water affecting the adhesion of the adhesive paper.

In the operation of the staff, try not to use their hands directly in contact with the adhesive surface. Because there are sweat stains on the hands, skin care products, etc., these will have a release effect will also affect the adhesive properties.

Basically, double-sided adhesive on the surface of the adhesive should be as large as possible, this adhesive area is called the effective adhesive area, usually the effective adhesive area of at least 70-80% of the total area, the characteristics of the double-sided adhesive can be played out.

The most suitable operating temperature for double-sided adhesive 25 degrees Celsius plus or minus 5 degrees, humidity of 50% plus or minus ten percent. Because the temperature is high, the glue will be softer, the liquidity of the glue is greater, easier to be effective with the adhesive paste, on the contrary, the temperature is lower, the glue will be harder, it is not easy to paste. Below the operating temperature, method 1: find ways to increase the operating temperature. If it is not feasible to increase the operating temperature, solution 2: Please apply more pressure when pasting the adhesive paper (using a scraper to press back and forth), or increase the static time (at least forty hours before moving, it is best to make the adhesive paper face up when placed).

Double-sided adhesive does not belong to the solid, it is like water flow, in the adhesive and the adhesive body bonding, is by no means a rapid and complete fit, but the glue itself slowly flow, and gradually develop into a close contact and bonding, between the outside world if the pressurized, close contact with the time required can be greatly shortened, generally need to be 5KG pressure can make the effective adhesive area of 70% -80%. The general need for 5KG pressure can make the effective adhesive area of 70-80%.

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Extended information:

3M double sided tape in the adhesive, need to be operated according to the following way to get enhanced bonding effect:

3M double sided tape in the adhesive, need to be operated according to the following way:

1, first of all, the adhesive surface must be cleaned and dried, it is generally recommended to cloth dip 1:1 IPA (isopropyl alcohol) and water mixture for surface rubbing after cleaning, to be completely dry on the surface.

2, to be cleaned after the drying of the solvent, the tape will be attached to the adhesive surface, with a roller or other means of applying about 15 PSI (1.05 kg / cm2) of pressure, so that its effective adhesion.

3. Tear off the tape release paper, and then apply the same 15PSI pressure to the adhesive material to make it fit effectively. If you need to remove air bubbles, you should increase the pressure to the upper limit of the items can withstand.

4, paste the ideal temperature of 15-38 ℃, do not lower than 10 ℃.

5, tape bonding, should be the first end of the first fit, and then slowly pressed to the other end, in order to reduce the chance of bubble generation.

3M double-sided adhesive storage of the appropriate environmental requirements: temperature of 19-23 ℃, humidity of 40-60%.

3M double sided tape tips

Clean the surface of the items to be pasted to improve the effect of the paste.

Apply primer to some bad appearance, such as: glass, brass, mesh and other places.

Tear off the 3m double-sided adhesive tape release paper, and then stick it on the material, press down hard, so that 3m double-sided adhesive tape is very well posted, so that the tape and bonding appearance to get full touch, we can use the scraper or roller and other items.

Paste one side first, then the other side, so as to reduce the generation of bubbles.

On the large area of adhesion, 3m double sided adhesive stickers should be applied after the posting of heavy average pressure for 12 hours, so that the tape and the bonding surface to reach a very good adhesive effect.