English Words for Medical Students

Medical Biology Medical Biology Medical Genetics Systematic Anatomy Systematic Anatomy Histology and Embryology Human Physiology Biochemistry Biochemistry Pharmacology Pathophysiology Pathology Pathology Medical Immunology Medical Microbiology Microbiology Human Parasitology Epidemiology Health Hygiene Local Anatomy Regional Anatomy Forensic Medicine Laboratory Diagnosis Diagnostics Internal Medicine Surgery Obstetrics and Gynecology Pediatrics Peds Gynecology Pediatrics Neurology Psychiatry Rehabilitation Medicine Chinese Traditional Medicine Dermatology and Venerology Infectious Diseases Venerology Infectious Diseases Nuclear Medicine Atomic Medicine Oral Anatomy and Physiology Oral Histology and Pathology Oral Mucosa Diseases of the Oral Mucosa the Oral Mucosa Endodontics Cariology And Endodontics Periodontics Periodontics Orthodontics Prosthodontics Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery Oral Medicine Preventive Medicine and Pediatric Dentistry PDPD Anesthesia Anatomy Anaesthetic Physics Clinical Anaesthesiology Intensive Care Therapy Diagnosis and Treatment of Pain Treatment of Pain Anesthesia Equipment Anesthesia Equipment Medical Imaging Medical Imaging Physics of Medicine Imaging Imaging Equipment Medical Imaging Equipment Medical Electronics Medical Electronics Ultrasonic Diagnosis Ophthalmology