Now that the economy is growing and people are living better lives, are there any "primitive" tribes left in the world?

The world's most primitive tribe: the Senthinar

Although the Senthinar island is a small part of the Andaman Islands, but this island's tribes seem to have never been with the other ethnic groups to communicate, according to the record, in the 19th century, there were British people will be other tribes of the Anglo people to the island, but his language is completely different, and therefore can not be exchanged, it is clear that the Senthinar tribes and other tribes have been separated for too long, which led to a huge difference in the language and culture. tribes for too long, prompting a huge difference in language and culture here.

And the Santinar are known as the world's most primitive tribe, not only because of their primitive lifestyle, but also because of their extreme rejection of modern society, which has led them to live in isolation to this day. Though they have no strange customs unlike rare peoples around the globe, here it is heard that they are one of the only tribes left in the world that have at least touched with the outside, and have a great deal of violent resentment towards the outside, especially modern society.

There have been instances where aviators have flown planes over the island to try to get closer to see it, but the Centinelese started throwing rocks and even shooting arrows at the planes, employing extremely violent methods of dealing with outsiders, and there have even been extreme killings here, as was heard of in 2006, when two fishermen were fishing in the waters around the island and were killed when they encountered the Centinelese. In 2006, two fishermen fishing in the waters around Sentinel Island were killed when they encountered the Sentinelese.

Bay of Bengal--Sentinelese

This tribe is a very mysterious tribe in the Bay of Bengal, they live in isolation, do not have any contact with the outside, and when someone else approaches the island will be killed. Scientists say the Sentinelese have been living on the island for 60,000 years. In 2006, the Sentinelese killed two people who were fishing around the island. As a result, the Indian government has declared it a crime to go near the island and banned anyone from touching them to ensure the tribe's survival.

Africa -- Nufetas

In Africa, there is also a tribe of cannibals -- the Nufetas. They don't actually do cannibalism, they only eat people who have passed away and make them part of their body, thinking that it will keep the memory of the dead alive.

Africa in the middle -- Pygmies

Pygmies are generally short in stature, height standards are in 1.53m up and down, by Africa into a "mini tribe". They have no selfish thoughts, men hunt women collect, all the acquisition put together and centralized distribution. The African government has begun to touch this primitive tribe, said to want to assist them out of the tribe, facing the modern society.