Wuhan Eurostar: what are the specialized vocabulary of Spanish?

Spanish (Spanish: espa?ol) referred to as Spanish, belongs to the Indo-European Romance languages west branch. According to the ranking of the number of first language speakers, there are about 406,000,000 people use it as their mother tongue, which is the second largest language in the world, only after Chinese. With a total of nearly 475 million speakers, it ranks fifth (June 2014) in the world in terms of total number of speakers. It is spoken on all seven continents, mainly in Latin American countries (with the exception of Brazil, Belize, French Guiana, Haiti, etc.). Many Spanish speakers refer to their language as Spanish (espa?ol), and English speakers call Spanish Spanish, the English translation of espa?ol. And many Spaniards who speak other dialects call Spanish Castilian (castellano).

1. Hola! 2. Buenos días! Good morning! 3. Buenas tardes! Good afternoon! 4. Buenas noches! Good evening!