Xiaobai medical treatment equipment co., ltd

Since your father's vision in his left eye is blurred, it means that his blood pressure control is not up to standard at ordinary times, and complications of hypertension have appeared, so he must be treated regularly to control his blood pressure. The biggest harm of hypertension is the damage to target organs such as heart, brain and kidney. At present, the most important thing is to see your father's current blood pressure control, the highest blood pressure, what medicine he usually uses, and how much blood pressure can be controlled after taking the medicine. The range of blood pressure fluctuation on another day. At present, if the blood pressure is very high, greater than180/110mmhg, the blood pressure should be lowered immediately. Intravenous injection of nitroglycerin or sodium nitroprusside to lower blood pressure, and then oral antihypertensive drugs for life. If the current blood pressure is less than180/110mmhg, oral drugs can be directly adjusted. In addition, medication should be individualized according to the law of blood pressure during the day. Combined with your history of coronary heart disease, it is recommended to use calcium antagonists+β -blockers +ACEI. If blood pressure is still not well controlled, diuretics can be added. Four antihypertensive drugs should be able to control blood pressure well. Your father's blood pressure is suggested to be controlled below 140/90. The treatment process should be done slowly, not at once, because blood pressure must be lowered steadily, not as soon as possible, nor as low as possible, but steadily and individually. I hope it helps you.