With the medical insurance and new rural cooperative, is it still necessary to buy Jihui insurance?

It is necessary. Jihui insurance is the people of Hebei exclusive benefit insurance, as long as the health insurance of Hebei Province can buy, including employee health insurance, urban residents health insurance, new rural cooperative.

What is Jihui insurance?

The hospitalization medical expenses within the medical insurance: 80% reimbursement for the part exceeding 15,000 yuan, up to a maximum of 1,000,000 yuan, with no compensation for pre-existing conditions;

The hospitalization medical expenses outside the medical insurance: 50% reimbursement for the part exceeding 15,000 yuan, up to a maximum of 1,000,000 yuan, with no compensation for pre-existing conditions;

The expenses for the 50 kinds of special medicines: there is no limit of deductibles, and the healthy people are reimbursed 80%, while the people with pre-existing conditions are reimbursed 20%.

The cost of 50 specialty drugs: no deductible, reimbursed at 20% for healthy people, up to a maximum of 1 million.

Second, with medical insurance, is it still necessary to buy Jihui Insurance?

It is necessary to have medical insurance to buy Jihui Insurance, and you have to have medical insurance in Hebei to buy Jihui Insurance. Jihui insurance and medical insurance are complementary to each other, not a substitute for each other. For some older people or people with more health problems, you can get a Jihui insurance as a supplement to the medical insurance, 79 yuan a year, which is still more affordable.

But because of the deductible and reimbursement rate of Jihui insurance have certain limitations, such as the deductible deducted from the costs outside the medical insurance, can only be reimbursed 50%, can play a role in the role is still relatively limited, especially in the face of some major diseases, serious illnesses, may incur a relatively high cost of non-medical expenses, it is difficult to Jihui insurance to cover all of them.

So, if you are still young and in good health, and have the opportunity to buy a million medical insurance, it is recommended that you spend more than a hundred dollars to prioritize million medical insurance, million medical insurance deductible is usually only 10,000, and there is no limitations on diseases and health insurance inside and outside of the scope of coverage is broader, the reimbursement is higher, such as hospitalization spent 200,000, reimbursed by the health insurance to spend 130,000, a million medical insurance The first thing that you need to do is to make sure that you have the right amount of money to pay for the hospitalization of your child.

However, there is a certain threshold to buy a million medical insurance, to do a good job of health notification, if the health situation is more complicated, may not be able to pass the health notification, can not buy, this time you can pick some of the health notification of the relatively loose million medical insurance further underwriting. If you are worried that you are prone to buy the wrong, or do not know how to do health notification, it is recommended to operate under the guidance of professionals.