Nickel metal is a heavy metal.
Nickel metal is harmful to human body, the main effects are as follows:
1 Inhalation of nickel metal dust can easily lead to respiratory organ disorders, alveolar hypertrophy. Nickel salts are highly toxic, especially nickel carbonyl (carbon monoxide and nickel powder can be formed at high temperature) has a very strong toxicity, because it is easy to volatilize, and soluble in fat tissue, it is easy to enter the cell membrane, and the binding force with proteins and nucleic acids is very strong.
2 The lethal dose of nickel to rabbits is 7~8 mg/kg. Nickel and its compounds have an irritating effect on human skin and mucous membranes and the respiratory tract, which can cause dermatitis and bronchitis, and even pneumonia. It has been proved through animal experiments and crowd observation that nickel has the effect of accumulation, and accumulates the most in kidney, spleen and liver, which can induce nasopharyngeal cancer and lung cancer.
Expanded Information:
Oral administration of large amounts of nickel salt drugs, which are less toxic than nickel that enters the bloodstream directly, can result in symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea, and acute gastroenteritis and gingivitis. General nickel salt toxicity is low, but colloidal nickel or nickel chloride, nickel sulfide and nickel carbonyl toxicity, can cause central circulatory and respiratory disorders, so that the necessary muscle, brain, lungs and kidneys appear edema, hemorrhage and degeneration.
Smoking is easy to cause lung cancer, one of the reasons is that nickel for cigarettes contain 49 of the trace elements in the higher content of the elements of the lungs and respiratory tract has a stimulating and damaging effect, and more importantly, nickel and smoke in the combination of carbon monoxide into carbonyl caused.
The reason for the high incidence of lung cancer among workers in nickel refining operations is also the result of the generation of nickel pollutants inhaled into the human body.
Surveys have shown a positive correlation between nickel levels in well water, river water, soil and rocks and mortality from nasopharyngeal cancer.
Nickel may also be a causative factor in leukemia. The serum nickel content of leukemia patients is 2-5 times higher than that of healthy people, and the extent of the disease is significantly correlated with the serum nickel content. Therefore, the determination of serum nickel content can be used as an auxiliary indicator for the diagnosis of leukemia, and can be used to estimate the condition and predict the trend of change.
Because nickel has good corrosion resistance, it is often used in electroplating. Nickel-cadmium batteries contain nickel.
Mainly used in alloys (formulations) (such as nickel steel and nickel silver) and as a catalyst (such as Raney nickel, especially as a catalyst for hydrogenation), can be used to make currency, etc., and can be plated on other metals to prevent rusting. Mainly used in the manufacture of stainless steel and other corrosion-resistant alloys, such as nickel steel, nickel-chromium steel and a variety of non-ferrous metal alloys, copper-nickel alloys containing nickel composition is higher, it is not easy to corrode.
Also for hydrogenation catalysts and used in ceramic products, special chemical ware, electronic circuits, glass with green and nickel compounds such as the preparation.
Electrolytic nickel: electrolytic nickel is the use of electrolytic support of nickel, stainless steel and a variety of alloy steels made of it is widely used in aircraft, tanks, ships, radar, missiles, spaceships, and civil industry in the manufacture of machinery, ceramics, pigments, permanent magnetic materials, electronic remote control and other fields.