How to troubleshoot Web servers

With the increasing demand for information technology, it is believed that most of the units will set up their own Web servers to publish information on the Internet network and publicize themselves. In order to ensure that any Internet user can smoothly access the content of the Web server, network administrators often need to set up the IIS server before the official release of Web information, in order to ensure that the unit's Web site can be consistently and stably run. However, many times, we will encounter Web server access failure failure phenomenon, in the face of Web server failure, we tend to show a handful, do not know where to start, to solve these Web server failure. In fact, there are many factors that cause Web server failure, we need to investigate each one of them, in order to efficiently solve the corresponding Web server failure phenomenon. Web server failure phenomenon in order to fully demonstrate the image of the unit to expand the visibility of the unit, the unit leadership requires network administrators to immediately come up with a plan to set up a personalized features of the Web site, not only to ensure that the unit staff can normally access the Web site through the intranet. Web site can be accessed normally through the intranet, but also to ensure that users can also quickly access the content of the unit's site. In accordance with the spirit of leadership instructions, the network administrator immediately acted to select a very efficient performance of the computer as a server system, and in which the installation, configuration of the Windows Server 2003 system, while the use of the system comes with the IIS component set up a Web server; in order to improve the speed of access to the Web site, the network administrator specifically the Web site where the Computer directly connected to the unit's Gigabit core switch, while the target host's IP address is set to the unit's ordinary employees use the computer in the same segment of the address. At first, all users can access the Web site normally, whether they are intranet users or extranet users. However, not for long, the unit intranet users in the access to the Web site, the Web server encountered a failure to access the failure of the specific performance of whatever client system from which to use the intranet address to access the unit's target site, the system screen will pop up the authentication dialog box, requiring the unit's employees must enter the access account with the password, but when the network administrator tries to the Web However, when the network administrator tries to log in as the system administrator of the Web site operation, found that it is always logged in; more people feel incomprehensible is that the network administrator rushed to the Web server site to view its security configuration, found that the target Web site is not enabled to log in to the authentication settings, then the authentication dialog box in the end how to pop up? Failure of more factors, we must be a variety of possible factors in order to find the specific causes of Web server failure, Qifan Hefei Networks analyze how to take targeted measures to quickly solve the problem phenomenon: 1, check the security login settings taking into account the access to the target Web site, the system pops up the authentication dialog, which means that the target Web site may not be configured correctly in terms of security login, causing the authentication dialog to pop up? Security login is not configured correctly, resulting in the user must enter the access account when accessing Web content. In accordance with this analysis, the network administrator is ready to check the Web server's security login configuration parameters, to see if the settings are correct; thought to do, the network administrator immediately came to the site of the target Web host to log in with a privileged account, and click "Start"/ "Settings"/"Control Panel" option, from the pop-up system control panel window, find the "Administrative Tools" function icon, and double-click the icon option with the mouse, enter the corresponding Then double-click the IIS icon to bring up the IIS console window of the corresponding system, and find the computer name where the target Web site is located in the left list area of the window, and right-click the computer name with the mouse, and execute the "Properties" command from the pop-up context menu. In the properties settings window, click the "Directory Security" tab to open the directory security options settings page; below, in the settings page of the "Authentication and Access Control" settings on the right, click "Edit". Click the "Edit" button to enter the authentication and access control settings dialog box, the network administrator found that the "anonymous access", "integrated Windows authentication" and so on. Options are in the selected state, so he tried to uncheck these parameter options, and then re-introduce Web access from a computer in the intranet, but the same failure phenomenon still exists; so, the network administrator once again selected the "anonymous access", "integrated Windows Authentication" and other options, but let him feel very disappointed that the above two options either checked or unchecked, as if the failure phenomenon exists, which indicates that the target Web host security login settings and the above failure phenomenon does not have anything to do with the 2, check the Internet connection settings since the login settings as well as permissions settings, can not affect the Web server access! Failure of the failure phenomenon, the problem may be elsewhere. Considering the unit of the Web server since the success of the construction, the network administrator rarely to change it, then the server itself is less likely to have problems, so the network administrator decided to start from the ordinary client network connection settings, to see if it is the client's own reasons. The network administrator was worried that there might be ARP virus in the LAN, which caused the Internet packets to be forcibly forwarded to other hosts when the ordinary client system accessed the target Web site, so he immediately logged in to the core switch backend system of the unit's LAN, and utilized the diagnostic commands that came with the system to scan and diagnose every Internet port in the intranet, and found that the working status of all Internet ports was normal, and all the Internet ports were in normal working condition, and all the Internet ports were in normal working condition. It was found that the working status of all Internet ports was normal, and there was no address conflict caused by ARP virus in the intranet network, which indicated that there was no ARP virus in the intranet network. Then the network administrator tested the network cable connectivity of several ordinary client systems and found that their status is also normal, and the ping command executed from the client system to test the connectivity of the IP address of the target Web site is also normal, which indicates that ordinary client systems can normally access the target Web site. Later, the network administrator is concerned that the client system uses a proxy LAN method to access the Internet, because when using this method to access the target Web site, you need to enter the proxy server's login and password, is it possible that the authentication dialog box that pops up on the system screen when we access the Web site is for the proxy server? In order to rule out such factors, network administrators immediately open the client system's IE browser window, click the "Tools" / "Internet Options", open the Internet Options Settings dialog box, click the "Connections" tab. "Connection" tab, and in the corresponding tab settings page, the network administrator found that the local client system does not enable the proxy server settings, which indicates that the failure of Web server access failure and the client system's Internet connection settings do not have any relationship. 3, check the directory access privileges will be the target Web site pointed to the home directory, for ordinary users. The main directory of the target Web site pointed to, the access rights of ordinary users to restrict it? Associated with the establishment of the FTP site, if not on the FTP site's home directory open user access rights, then ordinary users are not able to log in through the IE browser to enter the FTP site; to this end, the network administrator immediately open the target Web site's System Resource Manager window, from which to find the corresponding home directory, the main directory with the mouse right-click on the main directory, from the pop-up shortcut menu, execute the "Properties" command from the pop-up shortcut menu, open the corresponding home directory properties settings dialog box; click the "Security" tab, network administrators see that there is no everyone account access privileges, could it be that there is no everyone account for authorization, causing the Web server access failure. authorization, resulting in Web server access failure failure phenomenon? In order to verify that such speculation is correct, the network administrator immediately clicked the security options settings page in the "Add" button, the everyone account added to the account list, at the same time for the account set up the appropriate access rights, and finally clicked the "OK" button to save the settings. "button to save the settings of the operation, originally thought that such a setup operation can solve the problem, but the network administrator to try again from the ordinary client system for Web site access operations, found that it still can not succeed, it is clear that the factors that cause the above failure phenomenon may not be the directory access privileges. 4, check the authorization mode configuration in the exclusion of client systems, the network administrator once again. After ruling out the client system's own factors, the network administrator once again focuses on the Web server. After consulting related issues on the Internet, the network administrator estimates that the authorization mode of the Windows Server 2003 server system may have been accidentally modified, because if the server authorization mode is not set properly, it is likely to appear no matter what the user enters into the login account is invalid fault phenomenon. Think to do, the network administrator immediately logged into the Web server system, click "Start" / "Settings" / "Control Panel" command, in the pop-up Control Panel window Double-click the "Authorization" icon in the pop-up Control Panel window, pop-up authorization mode configuration window, where the network administrator found that the target Web site is currently using the "per-server" authorization mode; in order to determine whether the parameter has an impact on Web access, the network administrator will authorize the mode to "per device or user" option, and restarted the Web server system, however, such adjustments did not achieve any effect, it seems that the authorization mode configuration also has no direct impact on the Web access operations. 5, check other Web services after the above troubleshooting, network administrators to confirm that the status of Web After the above troubleshooting, the network administrator confirmed that the state of the Web server and the client system itself is normal, the unit intranet line is also normal, then why the client system will be accessing the unit's Web site, the pop-up authentication dialog box, and no matter what the input user account is useless? After careful analysis, the network administrator estimates that there may be other Web services in the LAN at the same time, and other Web services happen to grab the site address of the unit's Web server, and finally caused the unit's employees in the Web access, in fact, is accessing the other one is not a properly configured Web site. Just as the network administrator is ready to troubleshoot the LAN whether there are other Web services, a failure of the phone suddenly called in, said the unit's newly purchased printers suddenly can not be a normal network printing, so this failure will not have any inevitable connection with the phenomenon of Web server access failure? Thinking of this, the network administrator immediately rushed to the network printer site, log into the device's background management page, check its configuration parameters, found that the device's log page prompts that there is a conflict of address phenomenon, take a closer look at the network administrator found that the conflict of the address is the address of the unit's Web site, is it possible that we are accessing from the intranet client system to access the target site, access to the printer background management system? Printer background management system? Since there is a conflict of address phenomenon, the network administrator immediately hands for the network printer to reassign an address, and then he once again on the target Web site to access the operation, this time it is very smooth to open the corresponding site content, it is clear that the phenomenon of Web server failures have been successfully resolved. Web server failure to summarize the more in-depth examination, the network administrator found that the printer device runs by default Web services, so that the print user can print the device through the Web for remote management; and in the default state of the network printer does not enable anonymous access to the function, so when the network printer using the IP address of the unit's Web site, the Internet user is actually accessing the printer back-end management page, the page is required to authenticate, which is the common user Why access to the target site will pop up the authentication dialog box, and network administrators do not enter the network printer authorized user account, there will be no matter what user account can not be successfully logged in the phenomenon. This is the culprit for the Web server failure. Reviewing the above Web server troubleshooting process, we found that the Web server troubleshooting is actually very simple, if we can notice the new network printer in the LAN in time, then in the troubleshooting we may be able to notice that the change will have an impact on the Web server failure. For this reason, we later in the troubleshooting network before, should first observe the network environment whether there is a change, if there is a change, and then on the change to start targeted thinking and associations, then the fault resolution will not go around the bend.