How to treat the sewage from the washing plant?

First, how to deal with the sewage generated by the laundry room-the source of washing sewage The wastewater from the laundry room mainly consists of three processes, namely washing wastewater, rinsing wastewater and spin-drying wastewater. The amount of washing wastewater in each process is different from the water quality. Generally, the CODCR of washing wastewater accounts for about 35% of water, and its water quality often contains a lot of chroma and turbidity, including instant noodles, a lot of phosphorus, clothes and so on. The amount of rinsing wastewater accounts for about 55% of the water, but the water quality is slightly better and the foam content is less. The discharged water is small, accounting for about 10% of the total water, and the water quality is good and looks clear. Second, how to deal with the sewage generated by the laundry factory-AO water treatment process introduction (anoxia and aerobic) AO water treatment process (anoxia and aerobic) Operation mode of sewage treatment equipment The operation mode of the equipment is manual/automatic, and the car washing sewage treatment equipment controls the work of the equipment through the preset wastewater sensor. A batch of car wash sewage is transported to the A-level anaerobic tank of sewage treatment equipment through the lifting system of the equipment. The concentration of organic matter in car wash wastewater is high, and microorganisms are in an anoxic state. In this regard, microorganisms are facultative. Therefore, the A-class anaerobic tank not only has a certain organic matter removal function, which reduces the organic load and organic matter concentration of the subsequent aerobic tank, but also has a certain amount of organic matter and high NH3-N. The car wash sewage flows into the subsequent O-class aerobic tank through the A-class anaerobic tank. The aerobic tank mainly contains aerobic microorganisms and autoxidation bacteria (nitrifying bacteria). Among them, aerobic microorganisms decompose organic matter into CO2 and H2O;; ; Autotrophic bacteria (nitrifying bacteria) use organic matter in the air or inorganic carbon generated by decomposition as a nutrient source to convert NH3-N in car wash sewage into NO-2-N ... NO-3-N, and the effluent from the O-class tank returns to the A-class anaerobic tank, providing electron acceptors for the A-class anaerobic tank, and finally eliminating nitrogen pollution through denitrification. Third, how to treat the sewage generated by the laundry factory-Advantage (1) centralized collection of wastewater ensures that the source of wastewater for process treatment is relatively stable. (2) When the wastewater is discharged into the centralized pool, add a grille to eliminate the kitchen waste and some suspended solids in the water. (3) According to the water quality of tableware cleaning and disinfection wastewater, choose appropriate flocculant for flocculation and air flotation, reduce chroma, and remove suspended solids and some harmful impurities. (4) After flocculation and air flotation, the tableware cleaning and disinfection wastewater is subjected to biochemical treatment to ensure that the effluent is clear, transparent and up to standard.