The current situation of Yancheng Maternal and Child Health Hospital

The hospital currently has 707 employees, including 83% health technicians, 86 staff with senior technical titles, and 123 staff with intermediate technical titles.

Hospital equipment

The hospital has Philips double-row spiral CT, 1000mADSA, 500mA X-ray machine, mammography machine, CR, Toshiba series color ultrasound, ultra-high-power imaging system, and semen analysis system , fully automatic high-frequency ventilator, electronic bronchoscope, electronic gastroscope, DV-100 amblyopia diagnosis and treatment instrument, colposcope, hysteroscope, laparoscope, fetal heart rate monitor, pregnancy hypertension monitoring system, neonatal ventilator , transfer boxes, transfer vehicles and more than 300 advanced specialized diagnosis and treatment equipment.