Are ventilators covered by Medicare reimbursement?

Currently, the cost of a sleep apnea machine for home use is not eligible for reimbursement using Medicare.

There are four main categories that are not reimbursed by health insurance:

1. These include registration fees, consultation fees, and casework fees that people pay when they go to the doctor. In addition to these, it also includes consultation fees, quality premiums, and a range of medical services to improve one's hospitalization conditions.

2, mainly including people due to beauty or cosmetic surgery costs, but also due to weight loss or increase the height of the program and other costs. In addition, the cost of routine medical checkups also falls into the category of non-disease treatment programs, and is therefore not covered by medical insurance.

3. This includes the cost of using large-scale equipment for checkups, rehabilitation equipment and therapeutic devices.

4, including most of the organ transplantation, myopia correction and auxiliary treatment programs. As long as the costs incurred due to the above circumstances are not reimbursed.