Click to view: Double Dot Hospital full facility effect details
DNA laboratory
This place is required to have genetics (required) and diagnostics (optional) or medical science (optional) license doctor work, can reduce the mortality rate. The builder can be upgraded by paying a handyman, +25% diagnostics each time, and can be upgraded twice, which means level 4 diagnostics + level 3 builder is a 90% diagnostic rate, no misdiagnosis. level 4 medical + level 3 builder is a 90% medical rate, no deaths. Over here I personally suggest level 2 diagnosis level 2 healing level 1 genetics, so that's 70% chance of diagnosis and healing results.
Suggested items to place are Heater, Air Conditioner, Silk Orchid (use this for all 4X4 rooms, watering is infrequent), Coffee Maker (energetic), Gold Star Award (boosts room level), Hand Sanitizer (increases hygiene), Fire Extinguisher (extinguishes fires)
Uniform size of 4X4, no point in making it any bigger