What are the adverse reactions of medical devices?

Suspicious adverse events that may occur during the use of the thermometer: The thermometer is an instrument for measuring body temperature, and adverse events such as inaccurate measurement results, mercury column not rising/falling, and uncountable may occur during the use.

Suspicious adverse events that may occur in the use of intravascular stents: Suspicious adverse events that may cause or may cause human injury may occur in the use of intravascular stents, mainly including stent unloading, no reflow, stent thrombosis, restenosis, etc.

Suspicious adverse events that may occur during the use of contact lenses: When contact lenses are worn on the cornea of the eyeball, they may cause dry eyes, redness, pain, tears, photophobia, blurred vision, congestion, irritation and other adverse events during use.

There are many kinds, as long as some problems or injuries caused by using medical devices are adverse reactions of medical devices!