The two testes are positioned on either side of the scrotal suture margin, and the testes are held in place with the middle finger, forefinger, and thumb to prevent the testes from retracting into the groin. The incisions were located on each side of the scrotal suture margin, 0.5 cm from the scrotal suture margin. While the testicle was immobilized with the left hand, the right hand held a surgical knife to incise the scrotal skin, lining and common sheath, the incision was about 3 cm long and the left hand that immobilized the testicle then extruded the testicle beyond the scrotal incision. The left hand gently pulled the testis out of the incision, and the right hand used surgical scissors to cut the scrotal ligaments, and then tore the testicular tunica vaginalis upward, so that the testis was fully exposed outside the scrotal incision. Using a No. 4 suture silk thread, the spermatic cord was ligated 3 to 4 centimeters above the testicle, and the end of the thread was left uncut for the time being. The spermatic cord was cut with a surgical knife or surgical scissors at a point 1 to 1.5 centimeters below the ligature line, and the testicle was removed. Observe the spermatic cord for bleeding, and cut off the end of the ligature if there is no sign of bleeding. The severed end of the spermatic cord is retracted into the sphincter tube. The testicle on the other side is removed in the same way. After cleaning the blood clot in the scrotal incision, use 2% iodine to disinfect the wound, the wound does not need to be sutured, let it heal in the second stage.