Heat patch belongs to which class of medical devices

According to the Circular issued by the State General Administration of China No. 8 of 2014 Class I Medical Devices Product Catalog

6858 Medical Cold Therapy, Cryogenic, Refrigeration Equipment and Apparatus

Product category: cold dressing

Product description: composed of a non-woven backing layer, a gel layer, and a polyethylene film covering layer. It should not contain ingredients that exert pharmacological, immunological or metabolic effects.

Intended use: for physical antipyretic, cold pack physiotherapy. For use on closed soft tissues only.

Examples of products: medical cold patch, medical cooling patch, medical antipyretic patch

If your product meets the above requirements, it belongs to a class of products

If your product has to play a role in pharmacology, immunology or metabolism of the ingredients, we have to be in accordance with the combination of drugs and equipment, the declaration of the product, which will be more complex.