Supply chain optimization of the supply chain optimization of accurate diagnosis

Every time to the enterprise research, will be from various departments to hear a lot of complaints: the production department complained that the procurement department lack of goods, the sales department demand changes quickly; procurement department complained that the sales department does not provide sales plans in a timely manner, the production plan is adjusted frequently; the sales department complained that the production department can not meet the sales plan; the logistics complained that the sales department to the customer commitment is too short to cope with the time and so on; the enterprise always has a variety of problems and these problems are interrelated and intertwined. All kinds of problems, and these problems are related, intertwined. If enterprises want to promote supply chain management, how to solve problems and how to judge whether the problems reflected by business departments are fundamental or superficial? This requires a comprehensive review and systematic diagnosis of the supply chain.

Find the core problems affecting the efficiency of the supply chain: in the diagnosis, attention should be paid to grasp the essence of the problem rather than the appearance

Find out the problems that can be solved under the current circumstances: there are many problems that can not be solved under the current circumstances: for example, for the footwear industry, raw material purchasing and production cycle takes about 30 days, and the sales cycle of a pair of shoes may only be 30 days, due to the relatively long production cycle and short sales cycle. relatively long production cycle and short sales cycle, it is impossible to replenish production in time according to the sales situation, and it is necessary to prepare for production in advance, which leads to high inventory and possible product backlog. However, it is difficult for enterprises to shorten the procurement and production cycle in a short period of time. It is more feasible to consider shortening the longest procurement time in the procurement and production process, which can significantly shorten the order response time. Therefore, supply chain optimization can take the reduction of procurement cycle time as the main goal. In this way, the problem is a current one that can be solved.

Development of problem-solving goals, methods, resource requirements and their value to the enterprise: First, the enterprise should be clear to solve the problem to achieve the goal, the goal should be clear, measurable, non-ambiguous; second, analyze the problem-solving ideas, develop a detailed work plan, to ensure that the plan can be decomposed, can be carried out; and finally, the estimated resource requirements, the need to invest in the number of people, the number of hours, how much money, etc., how personnel to participate in the work, these need to be involved in the work, these are the people who need to be involved in the work. Lastly, estimate the resource requirements, how many people, how much time, how much money, etc. need to be invested, and how the personnel can participate in the work, all of which need to be planned in detail. Of course, a detailed plan with a high degree of operability is more likely to be recognized and supported by the senior management.