Conditions for renewal of Good Health Insurance's hospitalization medical care
The insured person's age at the time of renewal exceeds the maximum renewal age specified in the contract, etc. According to the query good medical insurance hospitalization medical content: 202 years good medical insurance hospitalization medical renewal conditions is the policyholder in the insurance period before the expiration of the application to the insurance company to stop the renewal of the policy, the insured person at the time of renewal of the age of more than the maximum age of the contract specified in the renewal of the policy, the policyholder in the insurance period before the expiration of the period of time or in the contract agreed to the payment of premiums during the grace period, according to the renewal of the time of the insurance plan, the age of the insured person, the presence of social medical insurance and the corresponding premium rate and the insurance contract agreed to pay the premiums. The insurance company has the right to terminate the policyholder's right of guaranteed renewal if the policyholder fails to fulfill his/her obligation to truthfully inform the insured of the corresponding premium rate of the insurance plan, age, and whether he/she has social medical insurance, and the premium payment method agreed in the insurance contract at the time of the renewal of the insurance policy.