Are oximetry measurements really accurate?

Generally speaking, the measurement results of oximeters produced by regular manufacturers are basically accurate, and oximetry monitoring technology has been relatively mature since the 1970s, with a low technological threshold, but only if you choose a product with a medical device registration lot number, and at the same time operate it accurately.

After many years of medical device-related work and training, here's what I can say on the subject.

A, first of all, the working principle of oximeter:

Measurement of blood oxygen saturation, in short, is the measurement of blood oxygenated hemoglobin content, first of all, we must find a way to distinguish between oxygen-carrying oxygenated hemoglobin and oxygen-carrying oxygen-reduced hemoglobin.

Using the principle that the two absorb red and infrared light differently, this can be converted to blood oxygen saturation by calculating the amount of light absorbed.

Oximeters monitor pulse rate, oxygen saturation, and perfusion index (PI) in real time, mainly through detectors or sensors, without the need for blood collection. Oxygen saturation, which is not new, is the percentage of bound oxygen out of the total blood volume as compared to the total combinable oxygen volume.

Two factors affecting the accuracy of oximeter measurements:

There are quite a few factors affecting the accuracy of oximeter testing, whether it is out of date, whether the power is sufficient, whether the finger position and the temperature is appropriate, the finger is too thick or too thin, oxygen intake, the heart rate is too fast or too slow, etc., will affect the readings. For example, some people have a slow heart rate (less than 60 beats per minute) which can lead to low oximeter readings.

It is recommended here that you pay attention to the age of your own oximeter and replace it on time.

An easy way to correct this is to take a few more measurements and average them out, and also to take measurements on a healthy young person to see what the readings are before giving them to a sick or elderly person.

Three, oximeter to how to choose:

In fact, it is also very simple, go to the National Drug? Supervision and Administration of the query medical device registration number, can be found and class name on the right, that is generally not a problem. The product details are not clearly pointed out in the registration number, then you have to keep an eye out, look carefully to see if you can find, did not find the probability is false? The most important thing to remember is that it's not a good thing.

There are a few things to keep in mind when monitoring oxygen saturation with finger pulse oximetry:

The infrared rays in the finger pulse oximetry clip need to be aimed at the fingernail cap;

The finger pulse oximetry monitoring device should be stationary, including the finger, to avoid errors caused by movement;

The finger pulse oximetry monitoring device should not have a registration number on it, so you can check if you can find it. The finger for monitoring should not be painted with nail polish, otherwise it is easy to interfere with the monitoring results;

Keep the finger warm, if the finger is cold, poor peripheral circulation will affect the results;

When encountering oxygen saturation is lower than 95% of the situation, you should replace more than one finger to repeat the test, and if it is indeed lower than 95% of the time, it should be promptly sent to the hospital for medical attention.

Smart watches:

From the principle aspect, smart watches, bracelets and professional equipment to measure blood oxygen saturation are through the human arterial blood oxidized hemoglobin and reduced hemoglobin to red light, infrared light absorption rate of change of the ratio to judge the arterial blood oxygen saturation.

But the smart watch, bracelet detection has more unstable factors, the monitoring part of the bracelet is thicker skin wrist, light transmission compared to the finger to be poor, and the measurement process is affected by the wearing of the degree of elasticity.

While it is important to note that the Home Blood Oxygen Meter is a registered medical device with a medical device manufacturing license, the accuracy of the monitoring data is more guaranteed, while the smart bracelet is an electronic product that does not need to go through a clinical trial, the monitoring data is only for reference, and it is not recommended to use it as a medical device.

So, in case of necessity, it is still recommended to use a professional oximeter for monitoring, and the results of other products are used for reference at most. At the same time, the purpose of oximetry is to assess the condition, and abnormal oximetry is only one of the parameter indicators. If you find abnormalities in your body, it is recommended that you seek professional medical help in a timely manner.