What about Changzhou Hengxu Machinery Spraying Factory?

Changzhou Hengxu Machinery Spraying Factory is a sole proprietorship enterprise registered on 1999-11-16, with its registered address located in Qiuzhuang Village, Luoxi Town, Xinbei District, Changzhou City.

CHANGZHOU HENGXU MACHINERY SPRAYING FACTORY's Unified Social Credit Code/Registration No. is 91320411717407246E, the enterprise legal person is Cha Laying, and at present, the enterprise is in the state of opening.

Changzhou Hengxu Machinery Spraying Factory's business scope is: electrostatic spraying, water-based electrophoresis, hardware processing; green hook glue, plastic parts, plastic spraying equipment manufacturing. (Projects subject to approval by law, approved by the relevant departments before carrying out business activities).

Check out more information about Changzhou Hengxu Machinery Spraying Factory through Ai Enterprise.