If you were given a chip, would you implant it in your brain?

Hello, dear, if the brain chip is successful, I personally won't implant it. Once the chip is implanted, does it mean that others can invade our brains at will and download neural information? Such scenes are common in science fiction films. In reality, I believe no one wants to experience them.

But what if everyone around you is like this? Imagine that your colleagues are better than you, your friends are talking to you, but you can't fully understand them. Will you upgrade your brain?

So far, most BCI research has focused on medical applications, but scientists believe that it can also be used to improve the brains of healthy people.

Scientists believe that the advantage of BCI is that the adjusted brain can expand the potential of human brain, and human beings can make decisions together with artificial intelligence.

Nowadays, when we encounter problems, in order to solve the dilemma, we often turn to artificial intelligence devices. Search on your mobile phone if you have any questions.

But at this time, if you get the help of BCI, the decision of the human brain and another completely independent machine make decisions based on the same information, and then combine the two decisions, then it will definitely be better than either party acting alone.

We use computers and smart phones as memory tools to store our work, photos, calendars and conversations.

What kind of experience would it be if one day BCI could increase the available storage capacity of our brain, enough to store all the memories we have experienced, and never forget a face or a name?

In clinical trials, we can improve people's short-term memory by stimulating the hippocampus, which can improve their performance by 35%, so all this is possible.

Then the problem is coming. How many brains do we need to keep to be considered the same person?

When a person replaces his brain with too many artificial parts, does it mean that they unconsciously killed their original self?