Voice actor: Masako Nozawa
Protagonist, 11 years old. Common name: Tom (トム). His parents passed away at a young age, and he and Sid were adopted by Aunt Polly, who nurtured him like her own son. He has a mischievous and energetic personality, loves to play pranks but hates learning. He wishes the school was closed so he wouldn't have to go back. He was always the kid that gave Polly and Mayuri a headache, but he was a very popular teenager at school.
Whenever he was late for school he was always whipped by Mr. Dobbins, but as the story comes to an end he is whipped by Mr. Rose, who is filling in for Mr. Dobbins.
Huckleberry? Fenn (ハックルベリー? Fion)
Voice actor: Kazuyo Aoki
Tom's best friend. Common name: Huck (ハック). A teenager who sleeps out in the forest in his village in St. Petersburg. His mother died at an early age, but he was abandoned by his father, who loved to drink. Lives there in a small, simple house built on a tree in the forest. He didn't go to school. The adults in the neighborhood called him "Homeless Huck", but he was very popular with the kids. He loves his mother and hates his father, and prefers his current life to the one he had with his father, but the story takes an unexpected turn at the end.
Rebecca Chaitchell (Rebecca Chaitchell) is a young woman who has been living with her father since the beginning of her life. サッチャー)
Tom's girlfriend. Common name: Paige (ベッキー). A small, lady-like heroine, Tom was her first friend when she moved to the village of St. Petersburg with her family, while both parties have good intentions. However, she also has a jealous side. Tom used to be engaged to Amy, a classmate, which made her very angry, and she cut off her friendship with Tom for a long time, but later on, she made up with Tom because of an incident. She wants to be an actress in the future and is afraid of heights. Her father is a magistrate.
[edit] Tom's family
Sid? Sawyer (シッド? Sawyer)
Voice actor: Sumiko Shirakawa
Tom's younger brother, age 8. He has the personality of an honor student contrary to Tom, and is a teenager who works very hard. However, he has an attitude that doesn't quite match his age, and is very smart at what he does. With black hair in front and shaved in the back, he wears glasses.
Pori (ポリー)
Voice Actor: Haru Endo
Tom's mother's sister, an aunt to Tom and Sid. After her sister's death, she raised them both. But Tom's love of mischief always makes her the biggest victim, and she has a big headache with Tom's mischievous behavior.
Miaoli (メアリー)
Voice Actor: Kaoru Ozawa
Paoli's daughter, Tom and Syd's cousin. Tom and Syd call her '美雅丽姊姊(メアリー姉さん)', which is actually a sister-brother relationship. She has a very gentle personality. Her goal is to become a nurse, and she helps Dr. Mitchell with his work. She seems to be the number one beauty in the village.
Jim? Hollis (ジム? Hollis)
Voice Actor: Nishikawa Yoshio
A young black slave who works at Polly's house. Polly treats him very gently and doesn't force him to do excessive work, and is a servant who is very close to people. He has a good relationship with Tom, and calls him "Botchan" ("少少爷").
[edit] Huck's family? Acquaintances
Fen (フィン)
Voice actor: Toshiya Ueda
Huck's father, who has no intention of going to work, and gets violent with Huck while drinking. Doing things like stealing and lying, is the father no one would want, and Huck runs away when he sees him.
Sam (サム)
Voice actor: Yasuro Tanaka
A grandfather who sells and buys things from time to time at the boat stop. Outside of peddling, it is generally thought that no one would want to hear the scary words, but Tom and Huck run to hear them.
Mrs. Douglas (Mrs. Douglas)
Voice Actor: Keiko Kunga
The rich lady who welcomed Huck as her adopted son. She has several servants in her house that she can call upon. A gracious lady, life in the Douglas household is hard to bear for Huck, who likes to aspire to a life of freedom.
[edit] Paige's family? Relatives
Edward? Thatcher (エドワード? サッチャー)
Voice Actor: Ichiro Murakoshi
Pecky's father, who brought everyone in his family with him when he became a judge at the village courthouse in St. Petersburg.
Margaret? Thatcher (マーガレット? サッチャー)
Voice Actor: Arumi Nakatani
Paige's mother, who was a cooking teacher in St. Louis, is a very capable expert in cooking.
His name is the same as that of a real person, British Prime Minister Mrs. Thatcher.
Cheshire (サッチャー)
Voice Actor: Kazunari Masamune
Jeff's father and Edward Cheshire's brother. Zachel's younger brother. Name unknown.
Jeff? Thatcher (ジェフ?サッチャー)
Jeff? サッチャー)Voice Actor: Yumi Nakatani
Tom's classmate. Paige's cousin. He is very different from Tom when they played the survival game. He is a very studious intellectual and a teenager with the style of an honor student. With Tom he just doesn't get along personality-wise, but he assisted Tom in one thing.
Mrs. Kate (Mrs. ケイト)
Voice actor: Noriko Nakamura
Paige's mother's aunt, Paige's aunt. She is a wealthy woman who is always doing charity work and intends to adopt Huck, who was abandoned by his father, as his adopted son, however, Huck refuses. She's a very kind aunt!
Maid (メイド)
Voice Actor: Kitagawa Tomoe
The maid of Paige's family is a gentle black aunt. Name unknown.
[edit] Ben's family
Benjamin? Rogers (ベンジャミン? Rogers)
Voice Actor: Higashi-Mie→Atsuko Mine
One of Tom's friends, his family runs a grocery store. His nickname is Ban (ベン). He has a good relationship with Tom and goes on adventures with Tom, and spends 4 days on Jackson Island, wanting to become a pirate. Because he is too fat, he has become a teenager who can't swim.
John? John Rogers (ジョン?ロジャース) is a young man who is a pirate. Rogers)
Voice actor: Katsu Ikeda→Kenichi Ogata
Ban's father runs a grocery store. Slightly tough on Ben, but he's terrified of Indian Joe.
[edit] The Alfred Family
Alfred? Templar (アルフレッド? Tempel)
Voice actor: Masako Sugaya
Tom's classmate. A wealthy young master who transferred to St. Petersburg from St. Louis. His father, who worked hard as a chief mechanic at a lumber company, came to St. Petersburg with him. Intellectual similar to Jeff, not very appealing to Tom. Can't swim and is a dryad, but in one thing he assists Tom.
Mike? Tampere (マイケル? テンプル)
Voice actor: Minoru Midorikawa
Alfred's father. He works hard as a chief technician at a lumber company, and is a rich and seemingly affectionate father.
Walter (ウォルター)
Voice Actor: Naoki Ryuta
The servant of Alfred's family. He is in the position of witness during Alfred's duel with Tom.
[edit] Other students at the school
Joseph? Harper (ジョセフ? ハーパー)
Voice actor: Kazuhiko Inoue
One of Tom's friends. Common name: Joe (ジョー). Plays with Tom from time to time, and appears to be someone who rarely changes.
Emmy? Rollins (エミー? ローレンス)
配音演员:Kaoru Kurosu → Hayao Takagi
Tom's classmate, and Tom's girlfriend before Paige arrived. She is the daughter of a bakery owner and does things very elegantly. She had a good relationship with Tom and was able to eat delicious bread very freely. After Tom got engaged to Paige, Tom changed and hardly ever went back to her.
Billy? Fecha (ビリー? フィッシャー)
Voice Actor: Naoki Ryuta → Yoshio Nishikawa
Tom's classmate. Second only to Tom as the 2nd member of the Survival Game when playing with Tom, however he doesn't defy Tom.
Johnny? Miller (ジョニー? ミラー)
Tom's classmate.
Charlie (チャーリー)
Voice actor: Yoko Matsuoka
Tom's classmate. A very sinister person who intentionally drops ink on Tom's textbooks and puts small rocks in Tom's frog mouth, though he assists Tom in one matter. Surname unknown.
[edit] School Staff Characters
Mr. Dobbins (ドビンズ-san)
Voice Actor: Ichiro Nagai
The teacher of Tom's class. Wants to become a doctor, so he does his job as a teacher while learning about the things he has to take to become a doctor, but Tom knows it seems unlikely that he'll ever become one. However his biggest secret is that he is bald and the fact that he wears a wig. This secret was unknown to anyone, however after Tom saw it and let the school know about it.
Afterwards, he resigned from teaching in anger because the whole class found out about him wearing a wig.
Natalie Ross (Natalie Ross) is a young woman who has a wig. Ross (ナタリー? Roz)
Voice Actor: Nako Egawa
The female teacher who fills in for Mr. Dobbins in Tom's class. At first glance, she appears to be a gentle teacher, but once she takes over, she is a strict teacher who treats Tom and Huck with a whip for their disobedience.
Principal Stevenson (スティーブンソン Principal-san)
Voice: Minoru Midorikawa
The principal of the school in St. Petersburg. Seems like a very understanding principal.
[edit] People of St. Petersburg Village
[edit] Doctor of the Village
Dr. Mitchell (ミッチェル-san)
Subtitled by Tadao Futami
The doctor of the village of St. Petersburg. His love of drinking has given him a bad reputation, so people think that the new young doctor in the village, Dr. Robinson, is more capable, and as a result, the patients almost never come back, but Polly trusts him very much.
Dr. Robinson (Mr. Robinson)
Voice actor: Shun Tsutsumi
The new young doctor who came to St. Petersburg. Dr. Mitchell's clinic has become so quiet that all the village people come to see him because of his skill that the birds are chirping!
One day he went to the cemetery to dig up a body with Indian Joe and Moff, and got into an argument with Moff, who was then killed by Indian Joe.
[edit] Characters who come to the village to sell medicine
Pharmaceutical seller (薬売り)
Voice actor: Shu Kato
The man who comes to the village of St. Petersburg to sell immortality pills, but he is actually a seller of fraudulent medicine.
John (ジョン)
Voice actor: Minoru Yada
The old man who came with the medicine seller. Says he's lived to be 120 years old by drinking immortality pills and is still very spry, though it seems like he's only about half that age, I guess!
[edit] David's Theater Company, which comes to the village for public performances
David? Garrick (デビット? Garrick)
Voice actor: Masashi Amamori
The head of the David Theater Company. He says that the David Theater Company is the most famous theater company in the world, but there are still people who run away, and there are also those who are at loggerheads with each other. But the troupe as a whole is pretty good.
Lissette (リゼット)
Voice Actor: Katsumie Mifune
The famous child star of the David Theater Company. Living near New Orleans, she seems to have been sold to the David Theater Company by her cruel father. In her role as the heroine of a tragedy, she became the idol of the children of St. Petersburg overnight.
Samuel? Keane (サミュエル? Keane)
Voice actor: Tatsuyuki Ishimori
The actor who plays the role of the antagonist in the David Theater Company. It might be more manly to play the antagonist.
Edmundo? Dahl (エドモンド? ダール)
Voice actor: Yu Mizushima
The shining superstar of the David Theater Company. Gets along poorly with Samuel. Ends up running away with Rosalyn on the way to a public performance in St. Petersburg.
Rosaline Russell. Russell (ロザリン? ラッセル)
David's theater troupe in the female lead. But in the end she escapes with Edmundo.
[edit] Characters aboard the Queen
Voice actor: Akizo Iizuka
The navigator of the Queen, who travels to and from the Mississippi River, is a hard worker. He is very strict with Mike, who is a trainee, but he also has a very kind side.
Mike (マイク)
Voice actor: Tsubasa Shioya
Three years ago, he went to St. Petersburg to do a trainee job on a ship outside the village, and three years ago, he was called a crybaby, but now he's a trainee who can do it all by himself.
[edit] Police and military-related characters
Collins (コリンズ)
Voice Actor: Taeaki Suzuki
The security officer of the village in St. Petersburg. He is trusted by the people of St. Petersburg because he takes good care of them as a security officer in the village.
Pat (パット)
Voice actor: Toshio Furukawa
The security officer of the village of St. Petersburg, he is Collins' subordinate.
Pinkerton (ピンカートン)
Voice actor: Makoto Tsujimura
In an effort to locate the escaped Indian Joe, Security Officer Collins hires a detective from faraway St. Louis. In fact, he's a turtle-footed detective, and after four days after arriving in the village of St. Petersburg, he's fired.
Arthur? O'Conner (アーサー? Ocona)
Voice actor: Kouji Mori
A young mechanic employed by the U.S. Army who came from Chicago in a hot air balloon. He becomes close to Miyari, and then...
Pound (ボンド)
The first sergeant of the U.S. Army Weapons Research Institute, Arthur's superior. Hearing that Arthur flew to St. Petersburg in a hot air balloon, the Army rushed to recover the balloon.
Dr. Masterson (Dr. Masterson)
Voice Actor: Kansei Oyagi
Dr. Masterson of the U.S. Army Weapons Research Institute, the developer of the hot air balloon. Although he developed the hot air balloon himself, no one dares to ride in the hot air balloon he made because life is precious, and he is a doctor who sees the wind in his sails.
[edit] People living in Arkansas
Sally Sellars (サリーカーカー), a woman who was born in Arkansas, was born in the United States. Cyrus (サリー? Sailas)
Voice Actor: Natsuko Kaworu
Polly's sister. Runs a farm in the village of Baeks, Arkansas. A very affectionate aunt.
Voice actor: Minoru Yada
Sally's husband runs the Hurlbush Farm in Baekes Village. However, more than half of the cows have died and he is facing bankruptcy, so he asks for Polly's help. Name unknown.
Beni? Sailas (ベニー? サイラス)
Voice Actor: Yoshiko Matsuo
Sally's daughter. Cousin to Miyari. She asks why Miyari hasn't come to the farm, and she and Miyari are close sisters. However she is very different from the quiet and quiet Mayari, she is a very lively type, and is a good sister to the naughty Tom and Huck at Hurlbeck Farm.
Oscar Salas is a very lively type, and was a good sister to the naughty Tom and Huck at Helsinki Farm. Sailas (オスカー? Sailas)
Voice actor: Kaneto Shiozawa
Sally's son and Benny's brother. An expert rope thrower.
Dan (ダン)
Voice actor: Kyouji Toguchi
Helper hired by Hurlbear Farm.
Chief (酋长)
Voice Actor: Kazunari Futatsu
The chief of the Indians who lived near the village of Baekes in Arkansas. The Indians and whites in this neighborhood didn't have turf wars, but instead lived on good terms. But after Uncle Cyrus had captured Lightning, he had refused to give him up to them, and as a result had made this chief angry.
[edit] Other Main Characters
Mrs. Hiller (ヒラー夫人)
Voice Actor: Chiyoko Kawashima
The long-winded aunt who lives in St. Petersburg. After overhearing Tom's discovery of the gold nuggets, and planning to go looking for the gold herself, she is accidentally run over by Indian Joe, and then the village soon learns that there is such news as the gold, and there is a great deal of talk about it, which makes her very unhappy.
Hiller (ヒラー)
Voice actor: Masaharu Sato
Mrs. Schiller's husband, followed his wife to dig for gold.
Morris (モーリス)
Voice actor: Shojiro Kihara
Jim's childhood friend and black male. He was originally a farm worker at Osamu Hiteid's farm, but his reason for running away was that he was being whipped with chains, and wanted to say that if he continued to work here, he might be killed one day, so he started running away. He was assisted by Jim, and Tom when he was shot in the wrist, and figured out how to help him abscond inside the town of Kyle, just outside of Illinois.
Indian Joe (インジャン? Joy)
Voice Actor: Eiji Kraboe → Kenji Utsumi
A large man of unknown origin who lives in a village in St. Petersburg. He is said to be the illegitimate son of a white man and an Indian, however, he has that horrible attitude that makes everyone afraid to approach him, and he has had experience in killing people before.
After he kills Dr. Robinson, he leaves the village temporarily to escape capture, and sneaks back again soon after, leaving Tom in terror.
Eventually he falls off a cliff to his death in the caves of McDonoghall.
Gil (ギル)
Voice Actor: Shingo Kanemoto
Indian Joe's henchman, the bad guy who helps Indian Joe escape after he causes a murder. Later together, they find gold in a haunted house, and at some point get up to no good, only to be discovered by Harker when he too is brutally murdered by Indian Joe.
Moff? Porter (マフ? ポッター)
Voice Actor: Megumi Mine
The uncle of a village boy living in St. Petersburg who loved to drink and was hated by the people of the village because he always liked to drink. I heard that his grandfather used to work for Captain Walker, and he was the only one, who was not arrested and only went to the location of the buried treasure, but he forgot the location of the buried treasure because he loved to drink.
He was an uncle with a very gentle personality, and was on good terms with Tom and Huck. He later went to the cemetery with Indian Joe, and Dr. Robinson to dig up the body, but he couldn't take it anymore and got into an argument with Dr. Robinson, in which he was knocked unconscious. Indian Joe then took his knife and killed Dr. Robinson and framed him for the crime.
Attorney Fecha (フィッシャー弁护士)
Voice Actor: Minoru Midorikawa
After Dr. Robinson is killed, he is the attorney who defends Moff. Thanks to Tom's testimony, it turned out that Moff was acquitted, but how would he have defended Moff if Tom hadn't testified!
The fact that his last name is "Felcha" doesn't make him Billy's father.
Ted (テッド)
Voice Actor: Kazunari Ninomata
One of the leaders at the last campout of the summer. Someone who plays the violin.
Bob (ボブ)
Voice actor: Toshi Shimada
One of the people who leads the camp at the end of summer vacation. Someone who plays the harmonica.
Anne (アン)
Voice actor: Katsura Ozaki
One of the leaders at the last camping trip of the summer vacation. Someone who plays the violin.