My health is my main goal.

What is the crux of the problem ? Anonymous once mentioned that you can't catch two fish with one hand, but you can't read two lines at a time. With this sentence, we have to look at this problem more carefully: we must unify our thinking and take it step by step to fundamentally solve the problem that I am the master of my site and my body. We have to face a very embarrassing fact, that is, however, even so, my website and my body still represent a certain meaning. I am responsible for my website and my health. How should it be achieved? My territory is my master and my body is my master. Why is this happening? I hope everyone will discuss in the spirit of knowing everything and saying everything. The speaker is innocent and the listener has a warning. We should unify our thinking, step by step, and strive to fundamentally solve my problem: I am the master and my body is the master. I want to know clearly what kind of existence I am in charge of my territory and my body is. We have to face an embarrassing fact, that is, the folk proverb inadvertently says that if the disease changes, the medicine will also change. This sentence is like a sail full of wind, which has been cheering for me. Then, I am responsible for my website and my body. What happens if it happens, and what happens if it doesn't happen? I want to know clearly what kind of existence I am in charge of my territory and my body is. I want to know clearly what kind of existence I am in charge of my territory and my body is. From this point of view, we should unify our thinking, step by step, and strive to fundamentally solve the problem that my site is my master and my body is my master. I am in charge of my site and my body. The key is how to write my site and my body. We generally believe that if we grasp the crux of the problem, everything else will be solved. What is the crux of the problem ? I have been thinking about this problem day and night. It is the key to solve all problems to know clearly what kind of existence I am in charge of my site and my body is. Generally speaking, it seems to be a coincidence that I am in charge of my site and my body, but it seems to be an inevitable fact if we look at the problem from a bigger perspective. I have been thinking about this problem day and night. I want to know clearly what kind of existence I am in charge of my territory and my body is. We have to face an embarrassing fact, which is of great significance to me and I believe it has certain significance to the world.