What is the significance of establishing a three-level preventive health care network?

The concept of tertiary disease prevention;

(1) Primary prevention Primary prevention, also known as etiological prevention or primary prevention, is mainly the measures taken against pathogenic factors (or risk factors) and the fundamental measures to prevent and eliminate diseases.

(2) Secondary prevention Secondary prevention is also called "three early" prevention, that is, early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment. This is the main measure taken during the onset to prevent the development of the disease, prevent its spread or slow down its development.

(3) Three-level prevention Three-level prevention is mainly symptomatic treatment. Prevent the deterioration of the disease, reduce the adverse effects of the disease, and prevent recurrence and metastasis. Prevention of complications and disabilities; For those who have lost their labor force or are disabled, rehabilitation medicine will promote their early physical and mental recovery, restore their labor force, be sick but not disabled or disabled, and preserve their ability to create economic value and social labor value. Primary prevention is also called primary prevention or etiological prevention, that is, to find out all kinds of risk factors of disability before taking preventive measures. The whole society and community should complete various contents and forms of health education, such as eugenics, genetic counseling, premarital examination, prenatal diagnosis and perinatal care, and implement planned immunization and epidemic prevention measures for children. Primary prevention is of course the most important and active measure to prevent disability, but it needs the full cooperation of the whole society and everyone.

Secondary prevention refers to early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment. Restricting (or reversing) the disability caused by damage in the process of disability formation and development means preventing the damage from developing into disability. For example, all kinds of screening for newborns, screening for some people and preventing mental disability all belong to this category. This is also very important and an indispensable measure to prevent disability.

Tertiary prevention refers to active rehabilitation to prevent disability from turning into disability. For the mentally disabled, we should try our best to prevent them from developing into serious or extremely serious mental disabilities.