How to open the business of Anhui Unicom Fitness Club?

Open mode of fitness club business of Anhui Unicom;

1. subscription month: edit "m" to 106559 120 to order maternal and child care; Edit "X" to 106559 120 to order mental health care; Edit "G" to 106559 120 to order sub-health care; Edit "1" to 106559 120 to order 365 healthy angels; Edit "F" to 106559 120 to order chronic disease prevention and treatment; Edit "A" to 106559 120 to order VIP package A; Edit "B" to 106559 120 to order VIP package B; Edit "C" to 106559 120 to order VIP package C;

2. Expert on demand: edit "ZJ+ user on demand content" to 106559 120 to order expert online help; 3. Hospital registration on demand: At present, Grade-A hospitals in Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai have been opened. Edit "GH+ users pre-hanging hospital outpatient service" to 106559 120 to make an appointment for registration.