Cover illustration stick figure-how to draw stick figure from the cover of your documentary?

The stick figures on the cover of the growth album are as follows:

Need tools: brush, drawing paper

1. First, draw a cheering little girl.

2. Then draw books, pencils, bachelor hats, test papers and rulers around the little girl.

3. Colour the little girl's hair brown.

The little girl's coat is painted green. Pants are painted blue.

5. Colour the book blue and the test paper brown.

6. The bachelor's hat is painted blue, the pencil is painted red and the ruler is painted blue.

How to draw the cover of reading notes succinctly and beautifully? The cover of reading notes is drawn like this:

1, the small illustration of reading notes can use animal images to draw the outline of the head first.

2, and then use the look and nose parts to draw, which can be drawn more simply.

3. Then draw its body, limbs and tail.

4. After painting, draw a pillow under the bear and a butterfly in front.

5. In the last part, paint the bear with the corresponding color and the cover will be drawn.

Cover refers to the outer layer of books and periodicals. Sometimes it refers to the first side with the title, author or editor, name of the publishing house, etc. Cover refers to the name of the bound book block wrapped in a coat. Cover is also called book cover, cover, outer cover, etc. , and divided into one, two (cover), three, four (back cover).

Cover is the facade of book binding design art, which reflects the contents of books through the form of artistic image design. In today's dazzling sea of books, the cover of books plays the role of silent salesman, and its quality will directly affect people's desire to buy to some extent. Cover plays a role in beautifying books and protecting book blocks.

How to draw a stick figure of Meeting You from the cover of a documentary? The stick figure on the cover of the documentary When I Meet You can be drawn according to the following steps:

1. First, draw a rectangular border as the background of the cover.

2. In the middle of the rectangle, draw a larger rectangle as the main font area.

3. Draw a vertical part on the left side of the rectangle to represent the word "Zi".

4. Draw a curve above the vertical shape to represent the word "cong".

5. Draw a semicircle below the curve, which represents the word "meet you".

6. Finally, according to personal preference, add appropriate decoration or text in the blank part of the cover.

Generally speaking, the stick figure on the cover of your documentary is relatively simple, but you should also pay attention to proportion and balance, so that all elements can coordinate with each other and look more beautiful as a whole.