Philosophers and psychologists throughout the ages have expressed many views on the essential attributes of human beings, some of which are even very contradictory. However, regardless of various
It is an absolute fact that people have biological, psychological and social attributes. We know that man is a complicated thing with many contradictions. This complex thing contains three groups of contradictions: the first group of spears
Shield is the unity of opposites between human beings as biological individuals and external living conditions; The second group of contradictions is the contradiction between individuals as organizations and social groups in certain social relations; The third group of contradictions is man's subjective world and objective world.
The contradiction. The first group of contradictions embodies the biological attributes of human beings and is the basis of individual survival; The second group of contradictions embodies the social attribute of human beings, which ensures the survival of individuals and the evolution and development of races; The third group of contradictions embodies human's
Spiritual attributes determine people's psychological and conscious characteristics of understanding and transforming the external world. The analysis of human behavior and psychological problems by humanistic psychology is based on these three essential attributes of human beings.
On the basis of understanding, intervention measures are also related to it. From this point of view, humanistic psychology believes that human spiritual structure consists of three elements: biological factors, social factors and experience system.
2. Psychoanalytic point of view.
Freud believed that the motive force of people's spiritual activities is Libido, which is the cornerstone of psychoanalytic theory. The concept of libido includes both physical and mental meanings, not just physical ones.
Sexual impulse also indicates the psychological desire for sexual relations. Freud emphasized the psychological significance of this concept, and the concept of libido was further generalized, involving many psychological activities other than physiological impulses, such as self-love,
Motherly love, religious feelings and people's various social and cultural activities are all described by him as the satisfaction of strength. In the later period, Freud further abstractly summarized the self-preservation, racial reproduction and corresponding heart of all life.
Life is reduced to the concept of libido, and the concept of "life instinct" or "life instinct" is put forward, which shows a creative instinct hidden in organisms. The opposite is the "death instinct". This unconsciousness
The contradictory coexistence of life and death instinct is the driving force of human behavior.
Obviously, Freud's theory is to explore people in the biological category. Its positive significance is to liberate people from God, but it also
Inevitably biased. His supporter Jung 19 1 1 suggested that the motivation of human behavior is the conflict between children's own weakness and their weak consciousness; Men's internal drive is not sexual instinct,
But dissatisfaction with their current situation. Adler believes that libido is a kind of life impulse, but it is not all sexual impulse. Sexual instinct is not the most important thing for people, and hunger is stronger than sexual demand. Neo-Freudianism on Freud
Li Biduo took a completely negative attitude and went to the other extreme. Its representative, Horney, believes that the motive force of psychological development is the social environment. She also believes that mental illness is completely caused by unreasonable social factors.
Caused by it. These views of Freudian school are related to the different times of relevant scholars.
3. Gestalt school's point of view
Gestalt school, also known as Gestalt psychology,
Its main research field is the wholeness and wholeness of perception, with Lei Wen as the representative. In 1930s, their research turned to human personality and behavior. Lei Wen believes that the occurrence of behavior is related to people themselves and the environment.
Behavior is a function of personal state and current environment. People's physiological conditions will cause a state of motivation, which is called need. Along with the demand, there are emotional characteristics, which are neurotic. People always have to get rid of this tension.
Get rid of the sense of imbalance, meet the needs, and eliminate the tension, which is how the behavior is produced. Because there are conditions in different directions and sizes in the psychological field, people often have spiritual conflicts. When there is a direction.
When the conditions are different but the intensity is similar, people must make choices, which will lead to conflicts. There are three basic conflicts: trend-trend conflict, escape-escape conflict, and the most serious separatist conflict is approach-escape conflict.
Second, behaviorism's view on behavioral motivation.
Behaviorists believe that the cause of human behavior is external stimulus. It is impossible for them to use "spiritual power"
Words. Their behavior formula is S-R, which only recognizes externally visible activities and behaviors. In fact, however, they have to answer "why" and put forward the concept of "drive". But he ...
Scientists' understanding of this is physiological, not psychological. They believe that the driving force is just a physiological and biochemical change, which is caused by stimulation and related to the behavior of pointing to the goal. In the 1950s, Harold made great contributions to flood control.
To sum up, it can be divided into two categories: one is internal driving force; Hunger, thirst, sex and motherhood; One is the derivative drive, such as the drive of gregarious and safe behavior, which is acquired.