Why are tonsils often inflamed?

Classification: medical and health care


Tonsils, also known as tonsils, are large lymphoid tissues in the pharynx. Tonsils are almond-shaped and flat on both sides of pharyngeal isthmus.

Peach sinus, but not full of this sinus, leaving a recess, called superior tonsillar fossa. Tonsils can be divided into medial and lateral, medial

Facing the pharyngeal isthmus, the surface is covered with stratified epithelium, which is continuous with the oral epithelium, and the epithelium is recessed 10-20 to the deep surface.

There are many lymphoid nodules and diffuse lymphoid tissue around the fossa, deep epithelium and crypt.

The cause of tonsillitis is due to bacterial and viral infection, especially bacterial infection. Cause tonsillitis

Most pathogens are hemolytic streptococcus, staphylococcus and pneumococcus. These bacteria usually exist in human pharynx.

Under normal circumstances, due to the integrity of tonsil surface epithelium and the continuous secretion of mucus glands,

Bacteria and exfoliated epithelial cells can be discharged from crypts to maintain the health of the body. When you are overtired, have a cold or get sick.

Under the influence of physical or chemical factors, the secretion function of glands decreases, the epithelial defense ability decreases, and bacteria take advantage of it.

Invasion, reproduction and tonsillitis. Tonsillar inflammation should be treated with antibiotics as soon as possible.