In addition, the thickness of subcutaneous fat behind the fetal neck will be monitored during the examination, and the indicators of different pregnancy cycles will be slightly different. For example, if the pregnancy 10~ 14 weeks, the index is greater than or equal to 3 mm, and the pregnancy 14~22 weeks cannot be greater than 6 mm. Once thickening is found, it means that children with Down's syndrome are at higher risk. Many women think that a thicker result is Down syndrome, which is not the case, so don't jump to conclusions so early.
In addition to Down syndrome, chromosomal abnormalities such as congenital heart disease may also lead to excessive NT thickness, so it does not mean that thickening must be Down syndrome. Pregnant mothers must do further tests to confirm. When thickening results appear, we must do non-invasive DNA or amniocentesis first. The risk coefficient of non-invasive DNA is low, and the accuracy rate can reach 99%. In addition to detecting Down syndrome, other chromosomal diseases can also be detected.
Amniocentesis is dangerous and may lead to serious consequences such as premature delivery and abortion, but its accuracy is 100%. Pregnant mothers can choose to check according to their actual situation. For the thickening value between 3 and 6mm, generally don't worry too much, because the possibility of normal fetus is high, but if the thickening value is greater than 6 mm, you should be prepared psychologically. Pregnancy itself is like going through five hurdles and cutting six generals. Pregnant mothers must maintain a good mood during pregnancy, no matter what the process is, don't jump to conclusions easily.