Download the quick instructions in the AppStore and add two instructions: battery life and battery life short version. Open the settings option, find the privacy option, and click Analysis and Improvement in the privacy option. Analysis data in hole opening analysis and improvement. Scroll down to find the latest ips file that changed the time point, and then click Open.
First click the "Settings" icon on the desktop. Secondly, open "General" in the settings and select "Dosage". Select the dosage and click "Battery Dosage". Finally, the battery life of the ipad can be viewed in this interface.
First, click Settings on the iPad desktop. Then find the battery option and click it. Then find the battery health and click on it. In this interface, you can check the battery life of iPad.
First, click Settings on the iPad desktop. Then go to the battery option and click on it. Then go to battery health and click on it. In this interface, you can check the battery life of the iPad.
How to check the battery health in Apple IOS: Go to Settings-Battery-Battery Health (Beta) and check the battery health at the maximum capacity. Note: If the battery is less than 80% healthy, it is recommended that you contact your local AppleStore or a third party to authorize the replacement of the battery after sale.