Do you still believe the five rumors that Americans have believed?

When it comes to rumors, people who boast of their wit always say: I know science, and rumors can't fool me. But is this really the case? In many cases, rumors are easier to identify than the truth, because they are very interesting, sensational and dramatic.

In the scientifically developed United States, some very outrageous rumors have extremely tenacious "vitality" and can be circulated for many years. For example, the following five rumors-from "conspiracy theory at the end of chemical condensation" to "9.11planned by the US government"-attracted the media very much and once made scientists uneasy. Fortunately, however, scientists finally cracked these rumors, thus correcting the misconceptions of the American people.

Rumor 1:

The US government sprays "chemical condensate" in the air.

The so-called condensation tail is actually the phenomenon of water vapor condensation caused by the mixing of hot air ejected by the plane and cold and humid air at high altitude, so it is also called track cloud or aircraft cloud. With the development of American economy, air travel is becoming more and more common, and there are more and more condensation endings in the sky. However, some Americans are uneasy about this. They believe that there may be a conspiracy of the US government behind the increase in condensation-secretly spreading "chemical condensation" all over the country.

People who believe in this conspiracy theory believe that the US government is secretly discharging chemical mixtures (that is, producing chemical condensation tails) by means of nozzles at the trailing edge of aircraft wings or at the bottom of aircraft. These chemical condensation tails contain extremely terrible components, including heavy metals such as gold, lead, mercury and silver, toxic elements such as arsenic and tellurium, and even anthrax, viruses and sedatives. As for the reason why the US government sprayed chemical condensate, conspiracy theorists also played a rich imagination: either change the atmospheric structure to make HAARP (the notorious meteorological weapon of the US military) operate more effectively; Or sprinkle it in densely populated areas to accelerate cancer and Alzheimer's disease control. ...

These rumors even reached the ears of US congressmen, and scientists finally couldn't sit still. In 20 16, scientists from the University of California, Irvine and Stanford University published a comprehensive survey. Seventy-seven scientists who have studied atmospheric deposition and condensation unanimously said that they have never found any evidence of chemical condensation in their long-term scientific research, and the conspiracy theory of the US government spreading harmful substances is sheer nonsense.

Proverbs 2:

Fluorine in water is related to "* * * productism"

There are also conspiracy theorists who believe that although the US government may not inject chemicals into the air, it can also inject chemicals into American drinking water. This chemical is fluorine.

As early as the early 20th century, scientists found that people in some parts of the United States had healthy teeth, while people in other areas were not so healthy. After research, they found that a person's dental health is related to the fluoride content in his diet, and people who consume more fluoride tend to have healthier teeth. Because of the different fluorine content in drinking water in different parts of the United States, the dental health status of people in different places is not the same. Therefore, scientists suggest that adding a small amount of fluoride to drinking water may help prevent dental caries in children. Thus, from the 1940s, American states began to add fluoride to drinking water. This "tradition" has continued for decades until today.

However, American conspiracy theorists believe that Americans add fluoride to water for political reasons. During the Cold War, Soviet spies doped fluoride into American drinking water in order to subvert the United States. This view was also used as a comedy bridge in the then Hollywood movie "Dr. Strange Love". In the movie, the American general Jack who wants to launch a nuclear war against the Soviet Union? d? Ripper told another officer that adding fluoride to water would lead to fluorination and impotence, which was a very dangerous plot of the Soviets. So American generals only drink rainwater or pure alcohol.

Later, for a long time, this conspiracy theory developed into another version: fluoride destroyed the nervous system, and the American government was afraid of a productive riot in its own country, so it weakened the willpower of the American people under the guise of promoting oral health.

In 20 15, scientists from the international collaborative organization of evidence-based medicine published a paper, which once again affirmed the influence of fluoride on teeth. Adding fluoride to water can further enhance the antibacterial defense of teeth. On the other hand, high concentration of fluorine is very harmful to human body. The fluorine content in ordinary drinking water is usually in the order of one millionth. If the fluorine content increases to 10 times of this level, people's health will be damaged. The effect of adding fluoride to water to improve health may not be obvious, but it is definitely far from the conspiracy theory of government mind control.

Myth 3: Microwave ovens destroy food nutrition.

Microwave oven is fast and convenient, and it is an ideal cooking tool for American urbanites. However, Americans used to have doubts about the cooking technology of microwave ovens. They suspect that microwave ovens not only inject heat into food, but also destroy important nutrients in food. Based on this idea, some terrible rumors have become popular, such as "microwave oven changes the composition of food, which will cause cancer in food", or "long-term intake of microwave oven food will cause problems in human immune system because its nutrition has been destroyed".

Some specious rumors have also contributed to these rumors. For example, 199 1, a death case in Oklahoma deepened Americans' panic about microwave cooking. At that time, a woman named Norma Levitt underwent hip surgery, but she was killed by a simple blood transfusion process, because Levitt's blood was heated in a microwave oven (because the blood used in the hospital was refrigerated and had to be heated to normal temperature before transfusion). Some people think that this shows that the microwave oven fundamentally destroys the chemical properties of heating blood and produces deadly toxins. The following year, two researchers from the University of Minnesota published an article in a magazine called "Looking for Health", claiming that microwave ovens would make milk powder lose some vitamins. For a time, Americans' doubts about microwave ovens reached the "peak".

However, scientists will still stand up and refute rumors. They told the public that Levitt's death was not due to the change of blood composition by microwave heating, but to acute hemolysis caused by uneven heating. The working principle of microwave oven is not complicated. It heats certain molecules in food by vibrating them. Among them, water molecules participate in the vibration most, followed by fat and sugar. This is why your soup becomes very hot after microwave, but your plastic cup is not heated. During the heating process, the microwave energy is not enough to break the chemical bonds in the molecules, which means it will not destroy the nutrients in your diet.

Proverbs 4:

Bigfoot is hidden in the wilderness of North America.

Mysterious creatures can always stimulate people's imagination. Since the legend of Himalayan snowman was known to Americans, Americans began to look for "bigfoot" in their own territory.

In the eyes of Americans, the "bigfoot" in North America should be an anthropoid animal with forest as its main habitat, distributed in the northwest of North America near the Pacific Ocean. Bigfoot in North America is usually described as a monster with huge body and thick hair. Wookie in the Hollywood movie Star Wars is an ape-like alien designed according to the image of bigfoot.

For decades, Americans have been reporting witnesses in bigfoot, including all kinds of people-documentary producers, realistic novelists, journalists, loggers and even hungry Indian hunters. American newspapers such as Washington post and The Boston Post seem to like these news reports quite well: the lumberjack saw a clear "big footprint" in the snow-covered forest in Maine, and judging from the footprint, we can know that there was once a "bigfoot" here; Or, a climber accidentally photographed a monster suspected of bigfoot, with obvious shoulders, a narrow figure and a way of standing like a human being ... Because there are so many such stories, the US government sometimes believes them and has intervened to investigate them, but most of them are proved to be fake scams or someone's pranks.

In 20 14, a team of scientists led by Brian Sykes, a geneticist from Oxford University, conducted DNA analysis on dozens of hair samples allegedly from bigfoot, North America. Results Each sample finally matched a known mammal, including cattle, dogs and bears, among which more bears were matched. Scientists believe that bears often appear in bigfoot cases, probably because their footprints are very similar to ours. They occasionally stand on their hind legs and pose as human beings.

Proverbs 5:

The September 1 1 incident is a conspiracy of the US government.

9. The11incident was the most shocking disaster in American history. In this incident, two passenger airliners hijacked by terrorists crashed into World Trade Center 1 and Building 2 in New York, respectively. These two buildings collapsed after the attack, and five other World Trade Center buildings were also damaged by the earthquake.

However, some Americans who call themselves "truth seekers" feel that blaming the September 1 1 incident on terrorist attacks seems too dull. The truth of September 1 1 should be much more complicated. Perhaps, the whole incident is just a bitter battle directed and staged by the American government to launch the war in Afghanistan.

Truth seekers like to cite a piece of evidence to support their argument that when the plane crashed, the burning temperature of aviation kerosene was not enough to melt the steel beams of the World Trade Center Twin Towers, that is, the plane was not enough to knock down the two buildings. According to this logic, the US government should prepare explosives or other fuels in advance and destroy the Twin Towers by itself.

Although scientists laughed at this rumor, some experts wrote an article in Popular Mechanics to explain it. Indeed, the burning temperature of aviation kerosene is about 420℃ to 800℃, and the melting point of steel is about 1500℃. When the plane crashes, the temperature of the steel beam may be only 600℃. But fire is the enemy of steel, and the properties of steel will not change much within 200℃; When the temperature is between 400℃ and 500℃, the strength of steel will drop sharply. At 600℃, the strength of steel will be too low to bear the load. For the collapse of the twin towers, the steel beams don't have to be melted into a pool of molten metal, they just need to be bent to the point where they can't support the twin towers. There is no doubt that terrorists are the mastermind behind the September 1 1 incident.

This article comes from the new theory of big science and technology encyclopedia? 20 16 No.65438 +0 1 magazine article