What does red team Health Code mean?

Red team health code pictures show confirmed cases, suspected cases, fever cases and asymptomatic infected persons. People with red health code need to be quarantined 14 days. Health codes in most areas are divided into green codes, yellow codes and red codes, and some areas also have purple codes and orange codes. The green code can pass freely, and the yellow code needs to be isolated for 7 days.

What does the red code health code picture mean?

Purple code belongs to high-risk personnel, such as confirmed patients, suspected patients and asymptomatic infected people with positive nucleic acid test.

The orange code belongs to close contact personnel or suspected personnel, and has no symptoms, and there is no abnormal record in the national database.

Conditions for the health code to turn yellow and green: 1. Family health monitoring needs 14 days, counting from the time when the health code turns yellow. Second, the three nucleic acid tests conducted in the past seven days were all negative.