Does the dog know that other dogs are dogs?

Dogs are the most unstable species on earth. Members of this species vary in size, from super to small, not to mention how big they are. Some adult domestic dogs are like tight packages, some like strong weightlifters, some like lean ballerinas, some like slender hot dogs, and some are in between.

A French research team studied this problem, and the experimental device was simple enough: nine subjects faced a left screen and a right screen, separated by a partition. In each experiment, two pictures appeared on two screens at the same time, dogs were stimulated by the click sound, and those dogs close to the "correct" screen were rewarded.

Then start the test. All kinds of dog faces and non-dog faces that have never been seen before are presented in pairs in front of the tested dogs. As before, dogs should be close to dog pictures and avoid other pictures to get rewards.

Because today's dog pictures contain a lot of different morphological characteristics of dogs, including body shape, color, size, head shape and ear position, you can think of anything.

Studies show that dogs can recognize other dogs with the naked eye, no matter how strange they look. Dogs seem to feel who (or at least which picture) belongs to the category of "dogs" and who doesn't.