Can drinking tea make teeth black?

Drinking tea for a long time really turns teeth yellow and black.

The surface of our teeth is covered with a layer of enamel, which is transparent or translucent, and the deep layer is dentin, which is light yellow. The color of healthy teeth is deep dentin, which is pale yellow through enamel.

Due to various reasons, such as drinking tea and smoking for a long time, or diseases such as pulp necrosis, tetracycline teeth and fluorosis, many people's teeth turn yellow, black or lose their luster. In medicine, such teeth are generally called colored teeth.

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Causes of tooth discoloration

There are two main reasons for tooth discoloration: exogenous and endogenous. Dr Justin Phillips, an American dental expert, said that the number one cause of yellow teeth is bad lifestyle. Smoking, drinking coffee and chewing tobacco are most likely to lead to yellowing of teeth. Tar and nicotine in cigarettes are the main culprits of yellowing teeth.

Dark (high pigment) foods and drinks will not only stain clothes, but also stain teeth. For example, dark sauces such as red wine, cola, chocolate, soy sauce and balsamic vinegar, pasta sauce, curry, etc. will all lead to enamel coloring. Fruits and vegetables such as grapes, blueberries, cherries, beets and pomegranates may also discolor teeth.

Popsicles and candy can also contaminate teeth. Acidic foods and drinks will erode enamel, making it easier for pigments to adhere to teeth. Tannin is a compound that makes wine and tea bitter, and it will enhance the combination of pigment and enamel, leading to tooth discoloration.

The latest research found that drinking milk while eating this kind of food can reduce the chance of tooth decay. Drugs such as liquid iron supplements can also stain teeth. If you don't brush your teeth often and floss your teeth, it will lead to plaque accumulation and yellow teeth.

People's Health Network-Does drinking tea for a long time make teeth yellow? Whitening toothpaste has limited whitening effect.

People's Health Network-Many things can change the color of teeth.