After the mourners offered public drinks, the eldest son of the deceased bowed down to pay tribute, that is, carrying the big head of the coffin on his back and moving it out of the coffin shed with the help of everyone, commonly known as the "coffin." Throughout Shanxi, there is a custom of breaking the rice bowl used by the deceased before his death behind the coffin. Wuzhai area is called "disaster mitigation", which means disaster mitigation and disaster elimination.
Funeral procedure:
Before the funeral in the old days, there were ceremonies of "ordering the Lord" in all parts of Shanxi, such as Qin County and Qi County. That is, ask someone to add a little to the original word "Wang" written on the tablet with a cinnabar pen, so that the word "Wang" becomes the word "Lord".
Commonly known as "master", that is, becoming a god. The person who points to the Lord is called the "point-in-charge official", and it is necessary to invite local respected celebrities, scholars or local governors to serve. This kind of ceremony is generally limited to middle-aged and elderly people who die normally, and no young dead are held.
On the day of the funeral, relatives, friends and neighbors gathered to mourn and offered a glass of wine to express their condolences. A libation usually includes a sacrificial mat, a steamed bun, a spoon and a paper tie. The closest relatives send sacrifices. Commonly known as "sacrifice", it is mainly dishes, and each pair should be inserted with paper flowers of different sizes, followed by steamed bread, which is a kind of pasta steamed in a bowl.
Most relatives and friends asked them to pull their arms and tie couplets, which later became a piece of cloth. Ordinary neighborhoods give four-color paper gifts, including candles, incense, tin foil, paper, or just a piece of paper. After 1950s, most paper gifts were replaced by wreaths.