What should dogs do if they don't eat with oral ulcer?

First, the causes of oral ulcers in dogs

1. Sometimes dogs are directly scratched by foreign objects, or the soft tissues in the mouth are damaged because the teeth are too sharp, which is easy to cause secondary infection and lead to oral ulcers.

2. If dogs eat irritating things by mistake, such as some irritating drugs, it will cause inflammation of oral tissues and cause oral ulcers.

3. Some viral diseases can also cause oral ulcers in dogs, such as pharyngitis and canine distemper, which are generally secondary infections.

Second, the symptoms of canine oral ulcer

1, dogs suffering from oral ulcer will have symptoms of salivation and swelling of oral mucosa, often accompanied by stench, or even slight fever, and dogs will not dare to eat.

2. The ulcer surface is covered with a gray-yellow false membrane, and blisters of different sizes can be seen in vesicular stomatitis.

3. Dogs with oral ulcers will also have swollen and hardened mandibular lymph nodes.

Third, how to treat the dog's oral ulcer?

1, keep a light diet: the diet of dogs during oral ulcer is very important. Try to be light, don't let the food irritate the ulcer too much, like some food that gets angry, don't eat it. You can prepare some liquid food that is easy to chew and digest for the dog, and feed some nutritional cream to help it improve its resistance.

2, vitamin B supplementation: If the dog lacks vitamin B, it is easy to get oral ulcers, so the owner should give the dog more nutrition. You can mash fruits and vegetables and feed them to dogs, which is more convenient to chew, but you should pay attention to the choice of fruits and vegetables, and some dogs are not allowed to eat them.

3. Maintain oral hygiene: Even if the dog has an oral ulcer, it is necessary to pay attention to the management of the dog's oral hygiene, and try to clean the teeth after the dog has finished eating, so as to make the dog's mouth healthier.

The dog's oral health is also very important to its health. Once there is an oral problem, it is likely to cause gastrointestinal problems or other diseases, so the owner must treat the dog's oral ulcer in time. If you have other related questions, you can also consult an online pet doctor.