How to check a dog?

Last time, the basic methods of clinical examination of pets were introduced, including inquiry, visual inspection, percussion, sniffing, auscultation and palpation. This time it's a general exam. What is the general examination? General examination is a more detailed examination of the overall state, fur and skin, superficial lymph, visible mucosa, body temperature, respiratory pulse and so on.

Overall state examination: related to the examination, observe the overall situation of the sick pet, which is divided into physical, nutritional, mental and sports examinations. Physical fitness can be divided into well-developed and stunted. Generally, well-developed pets are muscular and well-proportioned, giving a good impression. Poorly developed pets are generally short, unstable and have no eyes. Nutrition can generally be divided into good, medium and poor. Well-nourished pets are generally shiny, not rough and full of fat; Malnourished pets are anemia, emaciation, fluffy fur, loose skin, and obvious ribs. Mental state is a response to external stimuli, which can be divided into excitement and inhibition. Excitement is the manifestation of hyperactivity of the central nervous system, which is manic and restless. Inhibition is the manifestation of nervous dysfunction or decline, which is characterized by poor spirit, lethargy, slow response or apathy. Abnormal movement can be divided into ataxia and blind movement. * * Ataxia is a state in which the limbs are uncoordinated when walking and you feel that you will fall, which is generally seen in mild brain injury; Blindness is always moving forward or backward, wandering for no reason, usually in a state of brain congestion or poisoning.

A dog with messy fur

A dog with smooth fur.

Coat and skin examination: the coat of healthy pets is smooth and shiny. Generally, fluffy and messy coat is a sign of malnutrition, which is caused by some chronic consumptive diseases, such as gastroenteritis caused by parasites living in the stomach for a long time, and long-term nutrition can't keep up. If you find that there are many depilations, itching and dandruff on your skin, you wonder if there is any skin disease. Skin can be divided into pale, yellow, cyanosis and so on. Paleness is generally caused by anemia, jaundice is caused by liver disease, and cyanosis is a possible respiratory disease. The dog's nasal endoscope is normal and moist, and it will be dry when sleeping. If it is dry during normal activities, it should be caused by a fever.

A dog with a wet nose

Superficial lymph node examination: there are mandibular lymph nodes and inguinal lymph nodes. The pathological changes of lymph nodes are mainly acute swelling and chronic swelling. Acute swelling is obvious swelling with heat pain, while chronic swelling is uneven surface with induration, but there is no pain feeling. The lymph nodes of healthy pets are not displayed, and swelling will only be felt when lesions appear.

Visual mucosal examination: the mucosa of conjunctiva, mouth and vagina is examined, and healthy pets are moist and shiny. The most common clinical examination is the color of conjunctiva, such as flushing, cyanosis, light yellow staining and so on. Flushing is a phenomenon of congestion, which can be seen in inflammation. Cyanosis is a blue-purple phenomenon, which is found in respiratory diseases; Paleness is the characteristic of anemia, which is found in various malnutrition and chronic wasting diseases. Yellow staining is caused by disorder of bile pigment metabolism, which is found in liver disease.

Examination of body temperature, breathing, etc. The normal temperature of adult dogs is 38.5 degrees Celsius, puppies are slightly higher than 39 degrees Celsius, and cats are between 38 degrees Celsius and 39.5 degrees Celsius. Breathing can be done by putting the back of your hand in front of your pet's nose and feeling your breath. Breathing methods can be divided into chest breathing, chest-abdominal breathing and abdominal breathing. Chest-abdominal breathing in adult healthy dogs and chest-abdominal breathing in puppies. Abdominal breathing indicates a lesion in the chest.