How important can it be to be in good shape?

Very important. It's your figure from a distance, and your face and chest from a close look. People with good figure look good in whatever clothes they wear. People with good figure will not only attract men's onlookers, but also become a topic among women. So it is very important to be in good shape.

There is a saying that men are all lower-body animals, and a good figure will have a strong attraction to the opposite sex, so the figure of a girl is very important, although the connotation and cultivation of a girl are also very important. If I can only choose one, I'd rather choose the one with a good figure. On the surface, many boys emphasize the connotation and accomplishment of a girl, but subconsciously, sex is in the highest position, and women's beautiful figure is also a symbol of health. Women in good shape are often healthier, so it is very important for women to keep in good shape.

Good figure, not too ugly! I think figure is more important. But after all, just don't care too much about other people's opinions, because the body and length are given to a person by God. I think good looks and good figure are also the capital that women should be proud of. Everyone has a love of beauty. So a beautiful girl will make people look very comfortable. If a woman is not beautiful in appearance, she needs inner beauty to make up for it. Wouldn't it be more perfect if she was both talented and beautiful? So I think appearance and figure are still very important for women.